Dogpound identification

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Hello and welcome back to the wonderful world of the Dogpound. The third and final debate has finally ended, and strangely enough, the most talked about item was Trump’s refusal to say he would accept the results. Actually he said he would keep us in suspense…or something like that. I guess the media has forgotten…which they seem to do a lot these days…that Al Gore took his presidential fight to the Supreme Court. I mean…what is Trump going to do other than say it was all “rigged” and take all his expensive toys and go home? Anyway, we will know shortly which direction the country will be going in the next four years and I just pray God continues to keep this great nation under His wonderful grace. I think we have been pushing our luck over the years and we need to get back to the basics of what made this country great. So what else is new these days?

I was at the grocery store the other day to pick up a few things and I was having problems signing my name on the little verification screen. For some reason it would not register the plastic pen no matter what angle I put it on the pad. Finally after several attempts and with the line growing behind me, the clerk swirled the screen around and using just his fingernail, he made a scribble mark and punched the accept button. That kind of shakes the real need for verification to its foundation. Wonder what would happen if I started signing other names…like maybe Santa Claus…or Bill Clinton……or how about Spiderman? In the end I guess it does not really matter one way or the other, since my signature on that little screen never comes out the same way twice, and most of the time I would dare anyone to actually read the name. With that being said…that means my secret superhero identity will remain…well…secret. [Shhsssss!]

“America is another name for opportunity. Our whole history appears like a last effort of divine providence on behalf of the human race.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

The old man was a witness in a burglary trial. The defense lawyer asked Sam, “Did you see my client commit this burglary?” “Yes,” said Sam, “I plainly saw him take the goods.” The lawyer asked again, “Sam, this happened at night. Are you sure you saw my client commit this crime?” “Yes,” said Sam, “I saw him do it.” Then the lawyer asked, “Sam, listen: you are 80 years old and your eyesight probably is bad. Just how far can you see at night?” Sam replied, “I can see the moon — how far is that?”
That is all I have for this week. As always, be good, do good, play safe and remember, every vote counts, and in the voting booth all are equal.



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