Dogpound Taxes

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Hello and welcome to the start of tax time at the Dogpound. Yes, I know it is still months away but I am an eager beaver when it comes to taxes. It is like a dagger hanging over my head held by a thin piece of thread. The best way to get rid of that image is to get my stuff organized ahead of time, and when that last financial form arrives in the mail, I am off to the post office to let my CPA handle all the forms and calculations. I could probably do it myself…maybe…but I decided a long time ago that this was going to be my personal annual treat, plus I suspect there is an added bonus of having a certified CPA’s signature at the bottom of my tax form. You know…adds cred! That is one thing I got done this week…however, there was something I did not get done…find my bank safe deposit box key. I am really organized…well…I mean I do have a process. For example, I put all my paid bills and tax information in the bottom left two drawers of my desk. All of my checkbooks and bank statements go in the top left drawer, and miscellaneous stuff and keys go in the main desk drawer. If I have mail that needs to be tracked [like at Christmas or for birthdays]those receipts go in a wooden bowl in the kitchen, and my tax forms go into a plastic container and are stored in the basement with all of my other returns. I think you get the idea. I may not be able to put my finger on something but I can usually find what I need by wading through the appropriate drawer or location. That worked till the other day when I went to the bank to put some documents in my security box and they asked me for my key. What key!? I use my box maybe once a year so I did not remember that I needed a key; a resulting search in all the likely places turned up empty. Grrrrrr! So failing to locate the key the bank has to drill out the lock and charge me $80 for the privilege. We have an appointment next Tuesday, and I am starting to feel a little bit like Indiana Jones, since I cannot remember what I have hidden away at the bank. Maybe……untold riches…NAW!…that is not happening! LOL


“Problems are meant to be solved, but unfortunately, a lot of people choose to complain, worry, and cry about them.”  – Edmond Mbiaka


An older couple was asking for a room with a king, queen or double bed. The clerk apologized and said that the only rooms available had twin beds. Disappointed, the man remarked, “I don’t know. We’ve been sharing the same bed for 44 years.” “Could you possibly put them close together?” the wife asked. Several people nearby smiled, and someone commented, “How romantic.” Then the woman finished her request with, “Because if he snores, I want him close enough to be able to punch him.”
That is all I have for today. As always, be good, do good, play safe and remember: there is a place for everything, provided that you remember where that is. JR


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