County extension office recognized for school garden program

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CHESTERFIELD – Chesterfield County’s Cooperative Extension office was recently recognized statewide for its school garden program, which works with area partners to help kids grow gardens and learn about healthy eating habits.

The school garden program won Virginia Cooperative Extension’s 2017 Program Excellence Award at the Virginia Extension Service Association’s annual conference. Chesterfield won in its district and the state category, winning $1,000 to go directly back into the gardening program.

“The demand for hands-on school enrichment through 4-H gardens and horticulture has steadily increased,” 4-H extension agent Bethany Eigel said. “This award will help Chesterfield Extension to expand into even more schools and after-school sites in the county with the continued help of our partners and volunteers.”

There are currently six garden programs and five after-school programs with 11 garden programs planned for the fall. Lessons focus on pollinators, tools, planting zones and times, garden safety, the plant life cycle and healthy living.


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