The Village News Summer Fun Photo Contest is in its fifth week and has received several entries. More entries will be publish in the next issues. The contest will continue through August 26. Send your entries to [email protected]. Be sure to include your name and contact. All entries must be original photos.

“Great Egret in Flight” by Ken Newman

“Nags Head Sunrise” by Jim Marshall

“Splash” by Tiffany Valenta

“Sunflower” by Shirley Fox

“Virginia Crepe Myrtle” by Susan Bellanca

“Downtown Summer Ride” by Liese Petry

“Warning” by Allie Stough

“Splash of Daisy” by Leigha Barker

“Henricus Winter Confrontation” by George Gotschalk

“Can You See The Love” by Ken Newman

“Sunrise at Grey’s Point” by Willian Keller

“Foggy Day at Martha’s Vineyard” by Leigha Barker