The Board of Supervisors last week approved a request to construct another section of sidewalk along the east side of Harrowgate Road. (Curtis Street to Hyde Park Drive). The sidewalk project will be paid for by an appropriation of $400,000 in anticipated Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) reimbursements to the Chesterfield Department of Transportation (CDOT) and $100,000 from the General Road Improvement Account.
“I have been working with CDOT to have sidewalks put in throughout the Bermuda district especially roads such as Harrowgate, where there are a large number of residential neighborhoods,” said Bermuda District Supervisor Dorothy Jaeckle. “Barbara Smith in our Transportation Department has done a great job of identifying areas where there are a large number of pedestrians without safe pedestrian access. Barbara seeks out every source of funding she can find and has been very successful.”
Harrowgate Road (Curtis Street to Hyde Park Drive) Sidewalk Project ESTIMATE
Preliminary Engineering $95,000
Right-of-Way $5,000
Utility Relocation $15,000
Construction $325,000
Construction Contingency $35,000
Construction Engineering $25,000
Total $500,000
Local Match (20%)
General Road Improvement Account $100,000
FY15 Transportation Alternatives Funding (80%)
Anticipated VDOT Reimbursements $400,000
Total $500,000