Remember When: Moore’s Lake Turnstile

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The popular swimming hole right off U.S. Route One between Richmond and Petersburg, was the most refreshing refuge from humidity and sweltering dog days west of Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. It was a mecca for locals seeking a few hours of blessed relief and a major vacation destination for tourists from throughout the state. Folks were drawn by its enormous sand beach, water slides, the high diving board where giggling girls congregated to watch the boys show off, and the adjacent dance hall that filled the evening air with Big Band melodies. Everyone entering the bath house received a distinctive pin, later using it to reclaim their clothes after a swim. Today, the brass pins are cherished by many old-timers who wear them as lapel ornaments. – Emily Cary.
Photo courtesy of the late Buddy Miles.

The Moore’s Lake property is in the zoning process for an apartment community and is located directly across Jefferson Davis Highway from Bermuda Crossroads Shopping Center.


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