Chester Road Travelers Slowed to 45 mph new speed limit

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A local man has requested that the speed limit of a zone on Chester Road north of Route 288 be changed from 55 miles per hour to 45.
“A request to reduce the 55 MPH speed limit was submitted through the Chesterfield Residency office via Chesterfield County,” said Jesse Smith, director of the Chesterfield Department of Transportation (CDOT) department. “Mr. Joe Anderson felt that the speed limit should be reduced due to the presence of a fire station, several ‘blind’ driveways, close railroad crossings on intersecting streets, flooding and poor drainage, school bus stops and construction of houses nearby.”

The current posted speed is 55 MPH established by Statute 46.2-870. To the south of this section a 45 MPH speed zone is in effect established by resolution 808817, dated 2-19-1992.

The results of a VDOT study, according to CDOT, supports reduction of the current 55 MPH speed limit to 45 MPH. This finding is based on the operating speeds of 46 MPH and overall and injury crash rates much higher than the State.

Speed samples in two locations were taken along Chester Road north of Route 288 to Route 1 average were 39.50 – 48.50.
Published traffic volume (2015) indicates 23,000 vehicles per day in the section south of the Route 288 interchange and 5,700 vehicles per day north of Route 288 to Route 1. Traffic volume taken in conjunction with the speed samples shows similar volume with an average of 6,000 vehicles per day.

CDOT recommends reduction to 45 MPH, as well as the replacement of the current railroad crossing signs approaching Route 1622 and Route 611 with warning signs with insignias of crosses and a representation of a railroad track.
A project to install left and right turn lanes at the intersection of Route 1495 (Kingsdale) introduced a short section of curb and gutter within the immediate area of the project. The curb and gutter is being extended on the northbound side to the new subdivision opposite Brinkley Road.
Although Route 145 is a primary road, many roadway design features are not commensurate with the designation, including narrow shoulders and lack of recovery area between the edge of pavement and fixed objects. Fixed objects include trees, utility poles, embankments and low ditches.

Reported crash experience for the current five-year period: 

Reported crashes is: 75
Total number injuries is: 46
Reported fatalities is: 0
Crash rate: 372 per 100 million miles
of travel (VMT)
Injury rate: 228 per 100 VMT
Fatality rate is: 0 per 100 VMT
Statewide average crash rate is: 125 per 100 VMT
Statewide average injury rate is: 68 per 100 VMT.
Statewide average fatality rate is: 2.02 per 100 VMT.


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