Adkins, Mr. Greg, 52, of North Chesterfield, husband of Valerie Louise Adkins.
Bonds, Ms. Denise Gail, 61, of Matoaca.
Callahan, Mrs. Barbara Ann, 91, of Chesterfield, widow of Edward John Callahan.
Clifton, Ms. Mary B., 68, of South Chesterfield.
Crump, Mr. Robert Loving, 88, of Chesterfield.
Glenn, Mr. Thomas Nelson, 61, of South Chesterfield, an Army retiree and veteran of Operation Desert Storm, husband of Ok Sun Glenn.
Grubbs, Mr. Leonard Wayne Sr., 55, of Chester, husband of Penny Grubbs.
Hayth, Mrs. Jessie May, 94, of Chesterfield, widow of Joseph Hayth.
Joyner, Mr. Henry Anderson “Penny,” 85, of Matoaca, widower of Jean Marie Perkinson Joyner.
Layman, Mrs. Anne Moncrief, 74, of Chester, wife of Dr. David Arthur Layman Sr.
Lowery, Mr. Emmett Thomas, 80, of Chester, an Air Force veteran, widower of Dixie Daniel Lowery.
Mc Farlane, Mr. Jeffrey K., 46, of Chester, husband of Teresa McFarlane.
Nelson, Mr. David M., 64, of Chesterfield, husband of Elizabeth “Beth” Nelson.Parham, Mrs. Sarah Lucille Wood, 90, of South Chesterfield, widow of John H.
Parham Sr.
Ridout, Mrs. Minnie Pearl, 94, of Chesterfield, widow of Jesse James Ridout Sr.
Reed, Mrs. Dorothy Welsh, of North Chesterfield, widow of Lee Roy Reed.
Romig, Mr. Leon Ray, 86, of Enon, husband of Catherine G. Romig.
Sale, Mr. David S., 80, of North Chesterfield, husband of Betty Sale.
Schwartz, Mr. Stephen Douglas, 49, of North Chesterfield, husband of Sherrie Schwartz.
Smallwood, Ms. Diana Dee, 56, of Chesterfield, wife of Liz Davidson.
Tucker, Mrs. Drucie Jones, 88, of Chesterfield, widow of Colon Clark Tucker Sr.
Watkins, Mr. Jerry Allen, 66, of North Chesterfield.