Averette, Mr. Rickie C., 65, of North Chesterfield, husband of Linda K. Averette.
Barfield, Ms. Marian Mustoe, 84, of Chesterfield.
Bolton, Mr. George W., 78, of Chesterfield, a Navy veteran, widower of Joyce Ann Bolton.
Coghill, Mrs. Myra Luton, 68, of North Chesterfield, wife of Dennis Coghill.
Collins, Mr. Rupert Ashley, 82, of Chester, an Air Force veteran, husband of Ronda B. Collins.
Driskill, Mrs. Grace Totten, 94, of Chesterfield, widow of Ed Driskill.
Marsh, Mr. Craig Adams Jr., of Chester, a Navy veteran, husband of Karen E. Marsh.
Miller, Ms. Elsie Geraldine “Sunny,” 74, of Chesterfield.
Nolen, Ms. Maggie, 77, of North Chesterfield.
Owen, Mr. Victor P. Jr., 69, of Chesterfield, husband of Janet Owen.
Rudy, Mr. Richard Andrew, of Chester, husband of Alexis Felts Rudy.
Sanderford, Mrs. Frances Morris, of Chesterfield, widow of Paul R. Sanderford.
Stevens, Mrs. Diane, 60, of North Chesterfield, wife of Jay Stevens.
Thurston, Mrs. Betty Knight, 69, of Chesterfield, wife of William Thurston Jr.
Williams, Mr. Harvey James, 88, of Chester, an Air Force veteran who retired as a supply sergeant and weapons specialist, husband of Helen Isabell Dorman Williams.
Wilson, Mr. Douglas Leon, 65, of Chesterfield, widower of Sharon Hubbard Wilson.
Wimmer, Ms. Susan Lynn, 65, of Chesterfield, wife of Joseph Abbott.