A development project that’s been on hold since at least 2007 is headed back before the Chesterfield Planning Commission on Tuesday, Oct. 15.
Enon LLC is planning a mixed-use project consisting of a maximum of 130 dwelling units and commercial uses east of North Enon Church Road, southeast of the Amazon fulfillment center. Enon Church Road becomes Meadowville Technology Parkway north of Bermuda Hundred Road.
The applicant, whose address is 2000 Ware Bottom Springs Road (Shamin Hotels), is represented by Andrew M. Scherer of Balzer & Associates. They are proposing that proffers be decreased from $9,400 per home to zero for the 56.7-acre property because the property is in a revitalization area.
The owner is also proposing an additional proffer related to recreation that would include a dog park and a covered gathering space such as a gazebo or pavilion.
The traffic count on North Enon Church Road north of Route 10 was 7,000 vehicles per day in 2015, according to a 2017 Planning document. Based on those 130 lots, the development could generate approximately 1,337 average daily trips.
According to a county Planning staffer, only one building exists on the property at 13911 N. Enon Church Road. When visited last week, the property – a small house – looked abandoned with trash on the porch and a water cutoff notice posted on the door.