On March 8, the Chesterfield County Public Schools Board voted to approve the lease of a food warehouse at 13600 Permilla Springs Drive in Chester. The facility is located east of Interstate 95 and south of Route 618 (Old Bermuda Hundred Road).Berkely Dunbrack, director of food and nutrition services, noted this action will cut out the middleman and enable delivery of fresher food to area schools.The deliveries will begin in August with 25 to 30 percent of food products initially and be at 100 percent by August 2023.Due to the school district’s size, it receives few food distribution bids, he said. The site will provide 20,000 square feet of storage space, including refrigeration.Startup costs to include the purchase of trucks, forklifts, etc. would total around $975,000.Eight full-time employees would work at the site. The lease would start at $240,000 a year and increase 2 percent each year for seven years. Equity in education? As part of the consent agenda, the board approved designating March as “Equity in Education” month. That resulted in several people speaking about it during public comment. Anne Tatum said equity is critical race theory. The terms “diversity and inclusion” have been hijacked, she said. “Equity says America is racist” with “anti-racism all over many documents” promoted by the school system. “I don’t think many of you understand what equity is,” she said, adding that the newer version of the term involves putting one group down to bring one group up. Tatum, a white woman, said sarcastically, “Since you are all white, by the next school board meeting you should all five step down and make room for others to take your seat.” Mary Catherine Keith noted that a report in February by Jillian Balow, superintendent of public instruction, rescinded the use of the diversity, equity and inclusion audit tool and all resources on the Virginia Department of Education’s culturally responsive website, among other things. Christine Melendez thanked the board for recognizing Equity in Education month. “Why would anyone come out and be compelled to speak against equity?” asked Michael Karabinos. Those against equity are imposing their own radical indoctrination, he said, likening it to “the intolerance of the ‘red scare'” and the Salem witch trials.“I prefer not to whitewash history,” he said. Elementary school prototype In other news, the board voted to approve a contract with Moseley Architects for the design of the district’s elementary schools. Moseley was chosen out of nine bidders. The board’s next meeting is April 12 at 6:30 p.m. at 10001 Iron Bridge Road. viagra Générique
School board approves food warehouse in Chester