Browsing: What’s Up Doc

Proper blood flow through the body’s thousands of miles of arteries and veins is vital to life. On the other hand, the body must also be able to stop blood flow in instances where blood vessels are damaged. This balance of free-flowing and clotting blood can be manipulated medically to treat diseases in the blood system. The process that leads to blood clotting (coagulation) is complex, involving the blood cells, blood vessel walls and many chemicals traveling in the blood stream. There are medical conditions wherein it is desirable to prevent the blood from clotting (anti-coagulation). You may have seen…

Whether it is a summer visit to the ocean or the waters of the Chesapeake Bay, jellyfish stings are relatively common problems for swimmers, waders, and divers in all types of seawaters.  The long tentacles trailing from the jellyfish body can inject victims with venom from thousands of microscopic barbed stingers. While many types of jellyfish are relatively harmless to humans, some can cause severe pain and are more likely to cause a systemic reaction.  The most common types in our region, including the Bay and the Atlantic, are the sea nettle, the Moon Jelly, and the Lion’s mane jellyfish. …

Many ailments have an increased likelihood of occurring in the summer.  This is true of swimmer’s ear, or otitis externa.  It can be contracted at any time during the year, but the heat, humidity and extra moisture of summer and pool activities make it more likely to occur in the summertime. Otitis simply means an inflammation of the ear.  An inflamed ear canal is called otitis externa.  The canal ends at the eardrum.  Inflammation beyond the eardrum, in the middle ear, is called otitis media.  Otitis media is the infection that plagues many younger children and in a number of…

Springtime means yard work and other outdoor activities.  It also means exposure to plants and plant chemicals that can cause allergic reactions, such as respiratory allergies and contact dermatitis. Allergy to poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac is estimated to occur in close to 70 percent of all individuals.  The chemical that is responsible for the skin reaction is found in the sap of these plants and is called urushiol. Exposure can occur with direct contact with the plant leaves or indirectly from touching something that has the chemical on it (pets, garden tools, and clothing).  Airborne exposure can…

The Richmond-Petersburg area made it into the top fifteen U.S. cities with the worst mosquito problems.  The statistic was based on the number of customers who requested mosquito control products.  With the warm weather finally here, the threat of insect-transmitted diseases makes it necessary to think about protection during outdoor activities. There are many insect repellant products touted as effective, but products containing DEET, picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus (para-methane-diol) are most effective against mosquitoes.  These products are safe to apply directly to the skin and provide the longest lasting protection. DEET (diethyl methylbenzamide) is the chemical used in…