ABOVE: A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held Tuesday, Aug. 14, at the new Beulah Elementary School at 5441 Beulah Road. From left are: county supervisors chair Dorothy Jaeckle, interim school superintendent Rusty Fairheart, school board member Carrie Coyner, school board member Dianne Smith, former school board member David Wyman, school board chair John Erbach, Beulah Elementary principal Christina Allen-Roach, former Beulah principal Mary Jean Hunt, county supervisor James Holland, state Rep. Riley Ingram, school board vice chair Rob Thompson, and county administrator Joe Casey.
Browsing: Community
The Horn family participated in the July Jingle Run on July 28 at Pocahontas State Park. From left are Daniel Horn, Braydan Horn and Heather Horn, with “Little Horn” on her back. More than $9,000 was raised from the second annual event to benefit the Chesterfield-Colonial Heights Christmas Mother program. The funds collected will help more than 4,500 individuals with food, clothes, toys and books this December. The event featured a 5K Run/Walk and a 1K Kids Run that drew 176 runners and walkers.
Last week, the Chesterfield Economic Development Authority unanimously approved a resolution of support for raising some $5.1 million for the Chesterfield Center for the Arts through a bond sale. EDA board chair John O’Neill said the Virginia Resources Authority wanted the EDA to approve the resolution by Sept. 21 so that bonds can be sold in mid-November. The county supervisors approved the $5.1 million allocation on June 27 by a 3-2 vote. The EDA previously issued $6.89 million in bonds and the county $2.67 million in bonds for the 22,000-square-foot arts center in Chester, which would include a 350-seat theater.…
ABOVE: A girl is about to enter Target last week as part of the Bright Beginnings’ shopping experience. Excitement was evident in the fluorescent-lit aisles of the Chester Target Aug. 13 as 24 children eagerly shopped for new back-to-school clothes with their designated shopping buddies. Students arrived by bus and were paired with their volunteers from the YMCA and various other charities as part of the Bright Beginnings program, a three-day event held before the start of school each year. Once paired, half of the group enjoyed a dinner of sandwiches and chips, while the other half shopped for new outfits.…
ABOVE: Some of the youngsters who participated in a 12-day-long summer theater camp at Swift Creek Mill Theatre are pictured above. CHESTERFIELD – Swift Creek Mill Theatre’s annual performance camp ran July 30 through Aug. 10. Thirty-four students learned hands-on 21st century skills by producing and starring in their own show. The Mill held public performances showcasing the students’ work on a classic tale of kindness to animals, Doctor Dolittle Jr., for packed houses on Friday and Saturday evenings. Over the two-week summer day camp, area kids ages 10 to 15 learned how to stage a professional play, auditioned for all…
Dan Cohen has plenty of ideas on how to enhance the community. Cohen, the director of the county’s year-old Community Enhancement Department, comes to Chesterfield with a wide range of experience from Orange County, Calif., Atlanta, Hampton Roads and Richmond. He noted that the county has a contract pending with the Maggie Walker Community Land Trust, an organization that plans to buy properties and build, rehabilitate and sell housing while keeping title to the land. Such a concept has unique opportunities for low-to-moderate income families, Cohen said, noting that the buyer would only have to pay for the home, which…
ABOVE: School board chair John Erbach speaks at the dedication of the new Buelah Elementary School last week. Chesterfield County schools could be getting an additional 27.5 teacher positions as a result of increased funding due to the state budget that was passed in May and signed into law in June. At its regular meeting on Aug. 14, the school board unanimously requested that the Board of Supervisors approve $1.5 million in funding for additional teachers and $977,250 for operational needs. The operational funds would be targeted for emergency repairs to equipment and infrastructure, such as heating, ventilation and air conditioning…
ABOVE: Fred Martinez got his face painted by Hannah Daniels at the Mid-Cities Civic Association’s National Night Out festivities Tuesday, Aug. 7. Daniels, a member of the Beach Community Grange, volunteered to help at the annual event, which is designed to heighten awareness of crime and drug prevention efforts and strengthen neighborhood spirit and police‐community partnerships.
ABOVE: From left: Trooper John Nicholas, student hostess Tierra Wilcox, interim youth advisor Shawntell Greene, Trooper George Grady Sr., and student host Reginal Trent are pictured at a recent NAACP banquet. CHESTER – Dressed in uniform and surrounded by historic posters and documents, several Buffalo Soldier re-enactors were guests at the Chesterfield County’s Branch NAACP’s annual Freedom Fund Banquet Saturday, Aug. 4. Entertaining first with praise dancers and songs, Trooper George Grady Sr. gave a historic presentation of the Buffalo Soldiers. Grady spoke on the 9th and 10th Horse Cavalry, which were the last Buffalo Soldier divisions; Brig. Gen. Benjamin Davis…
ABOVE: Matoaca district supervisor Steve Elswick is pictured with Dr. Samuel E. Busch, his wife, Dr. Joyce Busch, and daughter, Susan B. Bell, at the dedication of the Ettrick Park concession building. CHESTERFIELD — The concession building at Ettrick Park has been dedicated in honor of Dr. Samuel Busch, a local physician who has worked in the community for more than 40 years. The Samuel E. Busch Concession Building was recently renovated, and the dedication on Aug. 7 during the park’s annual National Night Out celebration came as a surprise to Busch. Busch has assisted in the birth of more than…