Mega Mentors recognizes outstanding students, school staff, mentors
0MEGA Mentors will host its annual Excellence Awards and Recognition Celebration on Thursday, May 26, 2016, at 6 p.m. at Chesterfield Training Center (CTC), 13900 Hull Street Rd., Midlothian. This year’s theme is “Time, Talents and Tomorrow.” The Excellence Awards and Recognition is held each year to celebrate the outstanding achievement of students, administrators, schools and MEGA supporters who contribute to the organization’s mission during the 2015-2016 school year. Awards will be given in the following categories: Students of the Year; School of the Year; School Coordinator of the Year; Community Partnership; and Mentors of the Year. This year’s inspirational…
Archery at Thomas Dale
0Thomas Dale High sophomores in Fran Martin’s PE class spent two weeks learning archery this spring. This is the second year Martin has incorporated archery into the curriculum. She is certified through the National Archery in the Schools Program, coordinated locally through the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. The department also loaned Thomas Dale High the bows, arrows and other archery equipment for students to use.
Meadowbrook coaches camp to be held May 7
0Meadowbrook High School invites area coaches to their football camp being held Saturday, May 7 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The cost to attend is $25 per individual in advance ($30 at the door) and $100 per staff (up to 10). Highlights of the camp will be NFL Safety Bradian Ross speaking, and Hopewell Head Coach Ricky Irby will be speaking on utilizing the QB in the run game. A continental breakfast will also be provided along with day long concessions. Kevin Hutcherson of Park View will speak on overcoming tragedy in your program, something him and his staff…
We’ve Moved!
0After being located at 4607 W. Hundred Rd. for the last 14 years, we had the opportunity to return to our previous location at 11801 Centre St. in the Village Green. Our new hours are 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Dogpound Hunter
0Hello and welcome back to the wonderful world of the Dogpound. When Spring comes around there is one event I look forward to and that is mushroom hunting. Now the truth be told, I am a lousy hunter of mushrooms. I love to eat them, but finding them is like looking for the lost treasure of the Aztecs. My dad was the number one hunter of mushrooms in our family. I swear he could smell them. When I was young kid we would hike out into the woods and it would not be long before dad would be calling my…
Virginian-Pilot editorial: Be grateful for that veto pen
0By Editorial Board House Majority Leader Kirk Cox used a few minutes of Wednesday’s veto session to offer his critique of Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s job performance. He heaped his indignation on the chief executive’s eagerness to exercise veto power in recent weeks. Cox decried not just the substance of the bills rejected by the governor, but the style in which McAuliffe issued those vetoes. He maligned the governor for taking “pride” in undoing all the work done by the legislature, especially the social agenda advanced by a few House members this session. Perhaps the most fascinating revelation of the…
Meadowbrook is MADE for Entrepreneurs
0Employment trends are rapidly moving away from established corporations with 30-year retirement plans to boutique businesses of a smaller workforce and employee shifting from job to job to a different type of career – self employment and entrepreneurship. Referred to as MADE (Meadowbrook Academy for Digital Entrepreneurship), the program is a guide for creative ideas with a hands-on approach. Meadowbrook High School has tapped into that trend by adding a new specialty center in addition to its International Baccalaureate Specialty Center. The new center, which is likened more to creating new products, business ideas and creative problem solving, than to…
Empowering Neighborhoods April 23: Revitalization
0The Empowering Neighborhoods Forum will be held on Saturday, April 23, 2016 at the Thomas R. Fulgham Conference Center (Old Clover Hill High School, located at 13900 Hull Street Road), from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The event is free of charge to the public. The theme of the Forum is revitalizing Chesterfield County by improving homes and neighborhoods. A wide variety of workshops, activities, vendors, and information resources will be available to help residents and community leaders revitalize their own communities. Register now for this event, using our online registration form.