It keeps happening
0I have just finished reading the news reports of a fire that occurred in Roanoke County, back in mid-March. The fire occurred in the middle of the night. Four adults and four children occupied the home. Two of the adults and two of the children were visiting from out of town. The end result was that six people escaped, while two of the children perished. The six that survived were transported to the hospital and one adult female was recently released, after suffering major burns. I could not find where investigators had determined a cause, other than accidental, and I…
Recently Deceased
0Baker, Mrs. Emma Pearson, 49, of North Chesterfield, wife of Jessie Baker. Bessette, Mr. John William, 51, of Chesterfield. Bosher, Mr. Maynard L. Sr., of Chester, husband of Betty Bosher. Breeding, Mrs. Shirley C., 80, of South Chesterfield, widow of Curtis D. Breeding. Brown, Mr. Herbert Leroy Jr., 32, of South Chesterfield. Bryant, Mrs. Myra, 61, of South Chesterfield, wife of Samuel Thomas Bryant Jr. Cook, Mrs. Mary Phillips, 98, of North Chesterfield, widow of Clifton H. Cook. Curtis, Mr. Frank J. Jr., 94, of Chesterfield, widower of Sonja Maria Curtis. Davis, Mr. Eugene, 85, of Enon, widower of Frances M. Davis. Dubus, Mr. Michael Thomas, 84, of Chester, husband…
Passionate about gardening
0By Linda Fausz Historic Garden Week takes place this Saturday, April 23 through Saturday, April 30. The Chester Garden Club, a member of the Garden Club of Virginia, will not be conducting any house tours this year, but will be participating with horticulture and design exhibits at the Chester Library beginning Wednesday, April 20 through Saturday, April 30. Several of the club members will have a design, showcasing their talents as a floral designer and/or a specimen from their garden for the horticulture exhibit. Member Margi Fox has been passionate about gardening for years and will be selecting a specimen…
Parents can get bus info via Twitter
0Chesterfield County parents can now get information via Twitter if school buses are delayed. The school system’s five area offices for transportation started tweeting today, the first day after spring break. Each area transportation office plans to tweet as soon as possible if a bus is running late by 15 minutes or more either picking students up in the morning or returning students to their bus stops in the afternoon. Here are the Twitter handles for the five area transportation offices, which transport students in all grades of Chesterfield County Public Schools: Follow @busBirdMBK for information from area 1, which…
Local ACT-SO Youth Competition
0By L.J. McCoy, Jr. Mya Jackson chose to play a contemporary selection of “At the Ivy Gate” by Brian Crain, Kyra Trice sung a classical version of John Legend’s “All of Me.” It all happened at the 2016 Annual Chesterfield NAACP Academic Cultural Technological-Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO) Competition on Saturday April 16 at Second Baptist Church in Chester. The event gave area students from Thomas Dale High, Meadowbrook High, and the Appomattox Governor’s School an opportunity to advance to the National ACT-SO Competition to be held in Cincinnati, Ohio July 14 through 17. During the competition, judges rated the contestants on…
Carver faculty members win Collaborative School Library Award
0Deborah Floyd, Stephanie Stargardt and Joshua Forbes from G. W. Carver Middle School are the recipients of the 2016 American Association of School Librarians’ (AASL) Collaborative School Library Award for their collaborative project “Brotherhood, A Novel: Making Connections to Richmond from Reconstruction Through Present Day.” Sponsored by Upstart, the $2,500 award recognizes school librarian and teacher collaboration during the development and implantation of a curriculum-supporting program using school library resources. The project team of school librarians Floyd and Stargardt and language arts teacher Joshua Forbes worked with A. B. Westrick, the author of “Brotherhood,” to develop a unique in-depth study…
Fools and their money have been parted
0Hello and welcome back to the wonderful world of the Dogpound. If my calendar and timing is correct we have successfully [kind of] negotiated through another Tax Day. Interesting fact about taxes and scary at the same time, is the amount of fraud that is being committed with tax returns. The Internal Revenue says that this type of fraud will hit over $21 billion.Yes, with a B, and that has increased from $6.5 billion from just two years ago. One of the reason other than this is the way “big” government works is that in their haste to get returns…
Lawmakers Reconvene for ‘Veto Session’
0By Grant Smith – Capital News Service Virginia legislators will return to the state Capitol on Wednesday to consider whether to uphold or override Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s vetoes and recommendations of legislation passed during their 2016 session. The Democratic governor vetoed 32 bills approved by the Republican-controlled General Assembly. That is the most vetoes since 1998, when Jim Gilmore, a Republican, was governor and most legislators were Democrats. McAuliffe objected to a slew of hot-button bills – from a measure that would allow some school security officers to carry guns on the job, to the so-called “Tebow Bills” that would allow…