
Virginia Colleges Often Employ Foreign Workers


By Shuran Huang Xiaomin Wu, who is from Wuhan, China, graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University in May with a master’s degree in information systems. But she hasn’t left VCU. Instead, she now works in the provost’s office as a business intelligence analyst. “When I was doing the job hunting, I threw out three applications within Virginia Commonwealth University,” Wu said. “Two offers were received in the end.” To get the job in VCU’s student affairs division, Wu needed a visa called H-1B. This program allows employers to temporarily employ foreign workers in the U.S., according to the U.S. Labor Department’s…

To Protect and Serve


There is a new man in charge ’round these parts, and his name is Officer Daniel. Officer Daniel was “sworn in” last week, held roll call, directed traffic and even took measurements at a “crime scene.” This hard working little guy spent some time with Community Services staff and learned about policing. Lieutenant Steve Fortier stands with young Officer Daniel.

Route 10 Widening Meeting December 15


Those who travel on West Hundred Road from Jefferson Davis Highway west to Interstate 95 know that there needs to be work done to relieve traffic snarls on that short section of highway. A new project by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), managed by Chesterfield’s transportation department, should relieve at least some of the congestion. According to the Chesterfield County Department of Transportation (CDOT), “A Design Public Hearing will be held on Dec. 15, from 5 to 7 p.m. in the cafeteria at Thomas Dale High School located at 3626 W. Hundred Rd. The purpose of the hearing is…

Long Awaited Construction will Begin at Chester Village Green


A space facing the Village Green in Chester has been vacant since an accident took place while building there in 2008. The property is 0.6 acres and is located in the southwest corner of Fountain Square Plaza and Chester Village Drive. Now, after a lot of discussion over what type of building should replace it, a final plan for the building has been approved. While the building is ready to be started, McBar Industries has to have an amendment to the original zoning case approved. The amendment will be presented to the Chesterfield County Planning Commission on Dec. 15. The…

Crow Sure Ain’t Chicken


Did you have turkey, stuffing and all the trimmings on Thanksgiving? A friend said she thought my family would of had roasted duck. I have eaten duck; what does it taste like? Chicken. While duck or turkey or tofurkey would have worked for me, I had to eat crow – crow sure ain’t chicken. A couple of months ago I wrote about the newly built bike lanes on West Hundred Roadthe title of my introduction to the paper that week was called “Great Idea Poor Execution.” I had my opinion which was welcomed by the naysayers but frowned upon by…

Weekly Calendar


DECEMBER 5 CHESTER CHOICES BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP – 10:30 a.m. until Noon. Chester Library. “The Invention of Wings,” by Sue Monk Kidd will be discussed. No registration required. CHESTER GIRL SCOUT CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY – 6 p.m. Entrance of Chester Village Green, West Hundred Road. DECEMBER 6 CHESTER PICKLEBALL – Goyne Park. Ecoff Ave. Each Thursday. 9 until 11 a.m. 6 until 8 p.m. Play will be at the tennis courts located behind the baseball field. Questions or info, call 804-712-8113. CHESTERFIELD COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY meeting. 3 p.m. Economic Development Offices, 9401 Courthouse Road, Suite B. Call Lori…

SCC Finds Dominion Virginia Charged too Much in 2013-14


The State Corporation Commission (SCC) last week released found, through special discovery, that Dominion Virginia Power had earnings above its legal limit during 2013 and 2014 and ordered the company to refund $19.7 million to customers. The findings were made as part of the SCC’s regular biennial review of Dominion’s earnings. Under legislation enacted in 2015, such proceedings are suspended until 2022. As a whole, the SCC made numerous findings which “are reasonable for purposes of determining the utility’s earned return in this biennial review.” As a result of those decisions, a SCC majority concluded that: The company is allowed…

James River Parade of Lights


The James River Parade of Lights, sponsored by the James River Advisory Council, is one of the region’s most cherished holiday events. The Parade of Lights will take place on Saturday, Dec. 12. For those boaters who would still like to enter their boat in the parade, prizes are awarded in several categories. An after-parade awards celebration is held for all participating boaters. First-time participants will be entered into a special prize drawing. Best viewing for Chesterfield County residents will be at  Henricus Historical Park and Dutch Gap Boat Landing. The parade will begin at Libby Hill at 6 p.m.…

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