
In Virginia, 86,908 people signed up for coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace


Only two weeks remain before the December 15 enrollment deadline Over two million consumers selected a plan in the Federally Facilitated Marketplace as of Nov. 28, 2015, including 86,908 in Virginia. “Americans who need health coverage starting January 1st have just two weeks remaining before the December 15 enrollment deadline,” Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell said. “Whether you are enrolling for the first time or an existing customer who is shopping for the best plan for 2016, now is the time to visit or  We’re encouraged by the number of people who are returning…

Most Henrico Prostitution Happens at a Handful of Hotels


By Rachel Williams – Capitol News Service Beside a budget hotel in the West End section of Henrico County is an American-style restaurant. There’s a patch of dead vegetables and wilting herbs in the back parking lot. People walk in and out of the dimly lit space. They probably don’t realize the hotel next door had 11 cases of prostitution during a recent six-month period. From April 1 through Sept. 30, police responded to a total of 191 prostitution-related incidents throughout Henrico County, according to a computer analysis of the Police Department’s crime data. Experts say the prostitutes come from…

Bikeways & Trails plan approved by close margin


Two groups on opposite sides of a contentious issue made their opinions known at last week’s Chesterfield Board of Supervisors (BOS) meeting. The issue was whether or not the county should adopt “Bikeways & Trails” a new chapter of “Moving Forward…The Comprehensive Plan for Chesterfield County.” The BOS voted 3-2 in favor of adopting the chapter. Comments made by citizens during the meeting equaled 61 with 45 asking for approval and 16 asking that the planning chapter not be approved. The discussion leading up to the public meeting, which would determine if the bikeways & trails chapter would be added…

Everyone has key to highway


The more keys you have, the more important you are. That’s why I have so many keys, although I have no idea what most of them fit. But I am surely important. Let’s see, I have one for my truck, one for my house, one for the office and one for the lock on my shed. The rest are just random keys. I got the key to the highway Billed out and bound to go I’m gonna leave here running Walking goes too slow The original Charlie Segar tune, made famous by Eric Clapton, makes reference to walking away from…

Weekly Calendar


NOVEMBER 25 CCPS SCHOOLS CLOSED FOR THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY COLLECTION FOR CHRISTMAS MOTHER PROGRAM – Ongoing through Dec. 4. James River Industrial Park and James River Contracting collecting new toys for children and issues challenge to all area residents to participate. Collection boxes located at 13515 Lawing Dr. Details: 748-2917. NOVEMBER 26 HAPPY THANKSGIVING COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL OFFICES CLOSED. COUNTY SCHOOLS CLOSED CHESTER PICKLEBALL. Goyne Park. Ecoff Ave. Each Thursday. 9 until 11 a.m. 6 until 8 p.m. Play will be at the tennis courts located behind the baseball field. Questions or info, call 712-8113 for Thanksgiving play. NOVEMBER 27 BLACK…

Police Arrest Commercial Sex Trafficking Suspect


Police have arrested a man who transported two female victims to Chesterfield for the purposes of prostitution. At about 5:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 10, police responded to the InTown Suites at 11551 Greenspring Road (near Huguenot Road and Robious Road) for a reported robbery. During the investigation, police learned the 17-year-old robbery victim and an adult female had been brought to Chesterfield County from the Tidewater area for the purposes of forced prostitution. Detectives determined Jamil O. Ahmad II, 27, had transported the victims to Chesterfield and posted ads online soliciting prostitution. Ahmad, of Pueblo Drive in Portsmouth, Va.,…

Free wooden pallets available at DSCR


Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services at Defense Supply Center Richmond (Chesterfield), has approximately 1,000 wooden pallets available to the public free-of-charge.  Culling is allowed.  Businesses are also welcome. The pallets will be available for pickup between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Nov. 30-Dec. 4, 2015. For more information and for installation access approval, please call 279-3576, 279-6206, 279- 3912, 279-3398 or 279-5935. The general public must access the installation through the North Gate located along Strathmore Road in North Chesterfield County.  All visitors must have a valid government issued identification card to access the installation.

Morning Fire Displaces Three


The Chesterfield County Department of Fire and Emergency Medical Services responded Monday morning, Nov. 23, at 9:23 a.m. to the Bellwood Maisonettes, 2500 block of Alfalfa Lane, for the report of an apartment fire. Fire crews arrived to find heavy smoke coming from the front door and fire from a window. One juvenile was at home at the time of the incident and escaped; however, she went back into the apartment to rescue her dog. She successfully rescued the dog but received smoke inhalation and was transported to the hospital for treatment. Three persons will be displaced and are being…

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