Enon Traffic Concerns to be Discussed
0Through-truck and Amazon traffic issues in Enon will be discussed during a follow-up traffic community meeting taking place at Elizabeth Davis Middle School, 601 Corvus Court off Bermuda Orchard Ln. Dorothy Jaeckle, Bermuda District Supervisor is holding the meeting on Thursday, November 5 at 6:30 p.m. Speakers will include: Dale Patton, Bermuda Planning Commissioner; Jesse Smith, Director, Transportation Department and Kevin Smith, Major, Police Department.
Those Elusive World War Memorials
0With each new generation, the memories of names, faces and events of the past slowly deteriorate, to be preserved by historians. We are now in the second year of the World War One Commemoration (2014-2018) and one wonders what we are doing to commemorate the event. Where are the World War One memorials in Chesterfield County? You would not think that a simple memorial can get lost but they do. Instead of being easily located, we have to ask our fellow citizens to help us. Some may know about cemeteries and other obscure and less obvious locations. They may just…

Expect Increased Traffic Near Amazon
0New traffic pattern for motorists near the Amazon Fulfillment Center through the holidays. Motorists should expect increased traffic in the area around the Amazon Fulfillment Center on Meadowville Technology Parkway beginning Sunday, Nov. 8, through the holiday season. The business will begin its peak season staffing ramp-up on Sunday, and traffic will increase as the workforce increases. Chesterfield County’s Transportation Department is working closely with the Police Department and Amazon to mitigate the impact on traffic. Off-duty police officers paid by Amazon will be at the Amazon facility each day from 4 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. and from 4:30 p.m.…
NIMBYs: Saving Communities
0You have heard the rumors and now a county zoning sign goes up on the vacant property behind your house. What is going on here? Neighbors start to talk and you check at the planning department at the county offices. It is a shopping center, you tells your neighbors. As you and a few of your neighbors pass out flyers, you discover that only one person in your 49-home subdivision does not care about the proposed development. Some widen their complaint to many things that have already happened near them and you have to keep them on topic. Not in…
Weekly Calendar
0NOVEMBER 4 CHESTER CHOICES BOOD DISCUSSION GROUP – “The Round House” by Louise Erdrich will be discussed. 10:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. No registration required. NOVEMBER 5 CHESTER PICKLEBALL. Goyne Park. Ecoff Ave. Each Thursday. 9 until 11 a.m. 6 until 8 p.m. Play will be at the tennis courts located behind the baseball field. Questions or info, call 804-712-8113. COMPANION SUPPER – 6 p.m. Chester Baptist Church, 4317 School St. Details: Deanie Clements, 790-1115 or Sarah Allen, 768-8602. DRAGONFYRE – The Celtic music of Dragonfyre will entertain you with jigs, reels and ballads of war, women and whiskey. 7…
Village News at “The Chew”
0Sisters Dot Kegley of Staunton, Va., formerly of Chester, and Jane Luck of Chester, made a trip to New York for a taping of “The Chew,” and the Village News was along for the ride.
Village News in Canada
0Bob and Jean Henderson retired and took a trip up to Canada. They said it was beautiful.
10th Annual Free Dental Day
0Drs. Tony and John Agapis will host the 10th annual “Dentistry from the Heart” event – providing a free day of dental care to more than 200 residents. The line will begin as early as 1 a.m. the night before, with hundreds prepared to camp out in order to receive free services. “Dentistry from the Heart” patients travel from across Virginia every year to Dr. Agapis’ Chester dental practice for the annual free day of dentistry, happening November 20. Virginia Blood Services will also be on hand accepting blood donations. In 2001, “Dentistry from the Heart” started with New Port…