Dogpound weekend

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Hello and welcome back to the wonderful world of the Dogpound. I hope you had a nice Easter…as usual I am writing this ahead of schedule [to keep the Master semi-happy], so my Easter is yet to come. We do not get Good Friday off at work, so I took a vacation day…it was going to be a slow day anyway and I have things to get done. First thing on today’s agenda…sleep in. Now, when I was younger, way younger, I did not sleep in on a vacation day…why you ask???…. because there were a ton of things that needed to get done that was very difficult to do when you worked 6 days a week and raised a family. Most of the other items on my list for today are pretty straightforward: got some wash in, plant wave petunias in my pots on the porch steps, grocery shopping, finish off mowing around the pond [we are now in the growing cycle of having to mow every week], and then start cleaning the house…my other house…the “money pit.” As I mentioned in previous articles [you were paying attention…right?], I started to build another house and ran into a serious problem when my contractor decided to abandon the project but kept the funds I had given him to buy various supplies and materials. So after many months, the house is almost completed and ready to be shown. I hope and pray for a quick sale after all of this mess. Then Saturday we are going to a Comic Con convention. I went to my first one last year and had a blast. Strange weekend to hold a convention competing against Easter..might have been the only opening they had on the convention’s schedule? Don’t know, so it will be interesting to see what kind of attendance they draw. Then Sunday going to a late Easter dinner, and hopefully….if the rains hold off, I am going to go out to a friend’s farm to hunt some mushrooms. If you remember, I found my first real mushroom…all by myself last year on the same farm…so I am excited to see if I can repeat that feat. I do not know what it is about mushrooms, but I cannot see them. I can be almost standing on top of them and they are yelling at me…”Look down..look over there…you almost stepped on it…oh come on…you blind?!” Well, you get the picture.

“April prepares her green traffic light and the world thinks Go.”
–Christopher Morley,
A man with a piece of paper in his hand comes into an office where another man is sitting next to a shredding machine. “Do you know how to operate this thing?” he asks. “I have an important paper here and I want to make sure this is done right.” “Sure,” the other man answers. “Just put the paper in here and press this button.” The first man does so, saying, “Great. And where do the copies come out?”
That, my friends is a wrap…my chores are not going to get done by themselves [Rats!]. As always be good, do good, play safe and remember that to enjoy the green of Mother Nature you need to put down the smart phone and IPods.


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