Rail against trails may fail

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Transportation by foot, bicycle, automobile, public transit are options, which some are available and some are not.

We know that most of us can jump in our car and go just about anywhere. Bicycling is exceedingly tougher but is coming around in small pieces; travel by foot is gaining steam through the construction of sidewalks. Some sections of sidewalk have been constructed recently in both Bermuda and Dale districts in Southeastern Chesterfield. Supervisor Dorothy Jaeckle has come a long way in her support of pedestrian right-of-ways and is now pushing for the concrete paths across her district. Supervisor Holland is making inroads as well.

Ettrick has plans for news sidewalks, but it looks as though Virginia State University will have a hand in that process. On the other side of the Matoaca District, which spans the southern and western part of Chesterfield, the areas west of Pocahontas Park, can take care of their own, and quite frankly, I don’t particularly care what they do. The same goes for the Midlothian District. Not to be crass but they seem to live off the Bermuda District anyway.

As this publication hits the street on Wednesday, the Chesterfield Board of Supervisor vote up, down or defer the Bike/trails plan.

It has become quite a political football. Many love the idea of healthy and scenic ways to enjoy the County, while the grumpy, how you going to pay for it and not in my backyard group are choking on the idea.

Bike Walk RVA has been collecting stories and stories in Chesterfield – 1,100 in favor. “While the people telling the stories come from vastly different walks of life, their message is the same: the residents of Chesterfield County need more safe, connected places to bike and walk, and they need them now,” those of Bike Walk RVA.

However it turns (turned) out people may not understand that the plan is only an idea or a guide – not a policy, ordinance or anything other than a suggestion. The plan would take years and as a trail is on the cusp of being developed, there will be more chances to voice your opinion.

So those who do not want it do not despair; your opportunity to rail against it will come around again and again. And, the same goes for those who would like to see our county get in touch with the 21st century through healthy and connecting pedestrian pathways.

That goes for public transit, too. We need opportunities for those who do not have vehicles to get to work. Businesses: you want to keep inexpensive workers on the payroll then support an opportunity for your workers to get to their job. I will get to that later.


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