Dogpound had their eyes on you

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Hello, and welcome back to the wonderful world of the Dogpound.  There are a lot of things going on these days, I mean there are the big ones like the big main circus event “Trump vs. Hillary,” and there are a lot of little things that just keep things from getting a tad boring if you just open your eyes to them.  For example, I am on the treadmill at the gym and there is a female gazelle runner next to me.  You know…the kind that can run for 30 minutes without working up a sweat, while I am doing my best to do 20 minutes at a fast walking pace.  I am not a runner…no surprise there…so to increase the effort I walk my 20 minutes going uphill, increasing the incline every couple of minutes.  While I am booking along at a brisk 3.6mph..she is cruising at 6 mph.  The interesting and fun part was watching her use her i Phone without breaking a stride.  That is right…several times she picks it up and types in something, puts it down, checks her Fitbit, adjusts her earbuds, and keeps on going like the Energizer rabbit.  Now if I tried that maneuver…for one, I would be catapulted backwards off the treadmill and appear in one of those funniest YouTube videos, or…if that did not happen, this is what my typed message would look like..”Hmw r u tmdcz$ trxsturty#@.”   What could be so important that you have to type a message in the middle of your 30 minute run? Then, at work, one of my co-workers showed up on crutches.  He is a young buck who goes to the same gym I go to and is really into lifting weights…so seeing him incapacitated brought forth an image of him lifting more that he should have.  I asked him what happened; he told me that he tore a ligament in his knee.  He had to have surgery, and will be hobbling around for six to eight weeks.  Me..”Lift too much weight?”  Him…”No..did it with my happy butt dance while at work?”  Me …”What? Seriously? No!  What did you do?”  Him..”It is true.  He says. “ Was at work..did my little happy dance and something snapped.”  Me..”Show me.”  He does a little jiggle trying to imitate the move that put him on crutches.  I had to laugh…sorry…the image of this young buck on crutches because of a little happy dance was too much for me to contain. LOL

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
– Soren Kierkegaard

A man wakes up and finds himself in a hospital room, one with only him in it. He has no recollection of how he got there. While pondering it, his bedside phone rings, and he answers it. A doctor on the other end identifies himself, and tells the man, “I have really bad news. You’re very sick. After your collapse yesterday, we ordered several tests, and got the results back this morning. I’m afraid you have avian flu and Ebola, and you’re positive for HIV and hepatitis.” Stunned, the man asks, “Well, what’s next!? What are you going to do?”The doctor replies, “Well, for starters, we’re putting you on a strict diet of only pizza.” “Will that really help me, doctor?” “No,” the doctor begins, “but it’s all we can fit under the door.”
That is for today.  As always be good, do good, play safe, and remember, life is all around you, both big and small.



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