He raised horses, too

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halderJake Halder, owner of one-half interest in two thoroughbred colts, gave his hopefuls daily workouts in preparation for a full racing season. The picture above was taken just as Jake was taking the colts to the barn after a workout. Warpath is on the left and Wahoo is on the right.
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Halder, a county police officer turned game warden, had two colts sired by Warrior Bold, a half brother of War Admiral, winner of the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness. He gave them daily sessions each afternoon at 5:00 on his improved racing course located at the west entrance to Chester Village.
Halder did his conditioning of the horses on a commission basis and with the agreement that he would accrue half interest in the colts for his labor and also receive half of the money if the colts would win. The colts were owned by William “Billy” Sampson.
This paper believes the photo was taken in the late 30s or early 40s. Ja
ke Halder’s son Paul Halder provided the photo and information.


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