Life’s a Garden, Dig It; Are you a trendsetter?

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How often do you read or hear about how what was old is new again? Many gardeners research new plants or techniques to try on their property. That research can reveal something completely new or something that has reappeared after a generation or two. My recent web searches on new garden ideas found some interesting results. After you read each idea, see whether you think of yourself as trendsetter or you have been ahead of the curve for quite some time.

• Bright and bold colors. A very popular color for walls and floors inside the home is gray. Gray and as other neutrals may be the rage on the inside, but outside the walls, colors that jump are on the rise.

• Native plants. Serious gardeners as well as folks new to the hobby are aware of the decline in pollinators such as bees and butterflies. One way to improve the habitat for these vital creatures is with planting native species such as bee balm, coneflower, goldenrod, and sunflower.

• Millennials getting outside. As technology changes and the amount of time young people spend on their phone increases, their wanting to be in nature also grows. Increasing foot traffic in public gardens is definitely proof. At the risk of sounding like an old guy, spending less time on social sites and more time mulching, weeding, and harvesting will improve your quality of life. Just saying.

• Edible gardens. People want to know where the food comes from. It is also a great way to spend time with the kids and grandkids. Start with favorites such as tomato, cucumber, zucchini, and squash. Herbs are easy and can be grown successfully in the smallest of spaces.

• Dwarf plantings in containers. Surely you have noticed the increase in apartment and townhomes being constructed. Plant growers are constantly developing edible and ornamental varieties of landscape favorites for folks with small spaces or for deck and patio gardening.

• Conifers that change colors with the season. OK, I’ll say it. This is just cool. Varieties of conifers such as juniper, arborvitae, and pine that transition from their summer green to amazing colors including bronze, purple, blue, and gold in winter are definitely specimens or a groupings of plants that will turn heads.

So, now that you have read each of these, raise your hand if you want to be a hip gardener. Now raise your hand if you have been a garden trailblazer for years and people are just now catching up. Either way, enjoy the spring and get outside.

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