Fall Musings

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The start of school certainly ushered in the beginning of fall early this year. For once, we have a nice, cool, dry start to school. No thickly humid days, having to wear shorts and “summer” clothes to school on the first day. With this beautiful fall weather the new school clothes can be worn right from the start, it’s wonderful.

I love this weather. I love having my windows open and my air turned off. Not only does it keep my electric bill down, but it also brings the nostalgic scents of my childhood wafting through my house. People burning leaves and cooking on grills coupled with the distant sound of a weed eater or lawn mower are sure to make me smile. The sounds of peace; the smells of “everything is all right,” at least for now; these things bring me great comfort.

Yesterday (Sunday) was the start to football season. Not only did we have perfect “football” weather, but I decided to add that extra special something to the day. I made a big pot of chili, a pan of cornbread and a big batch of brownies (with icing)! The children played outside the ENTIRE day, happily. I couldn’t believe my luck, good food cooking, children not fighting and getting all of their energy out outside. It was a perfect day.

The Lashleys needed a relaxing weekend. Our schedules are all screwed up due to having two children in two different schools this year. Those of you with more than two children, I really have to hand it to you.

Your organizational skills are put to the test daily; mine are with only two! Having to get up, dressed, and ready for work, then get the middle schooler up, dressed, fed, and off to school, then the elementary baby, whew. I’m tired before I even get to work at 8:30 a.m., seriously! Coffee is my best friend. We are getting used to our new schedules, but having beautiful weather makes it all easier to take in stride. Hard to be aggravated on a perfect, 70-degree day (no humidity, woo hoo) with nothing but blue skies and sunshine as far as you can see.

This fall, may we all find our groove, and learn to stop and listen to the distant lawn mower, and smell the leaves burning. May we all find our peace and contentment where we can.



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