Dogpound birthday

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Hello and welcome back to the wonderful birthday world of the Dogpound. Yep…this old dog just had another

birthday… last Sunday. Another notch in the old belt…the only problem is that this belt is getting closer to the end

than to the beginning. It does make you sit down and reflect on the past; the good ..the bad..the highs, and the lows.

So many dreams have come and gone…never thinking back then, I would be where I am today. I am not

complaining..the good Lord has been good to me; I am still working…my health is pretty good….not the industrial

captain I always dreamed I would become…but I am ok with that. When asked how old I am, I used to tell everyone I

was 39 and holding..and holding. However, at this stage of the game that old joke has come and gone…no longer in

the to speak. LOL So in celebration of my birthday, I am going to make this short..throw in some

funnies and enjoy my special day by going to a football game. Now, to be honest, I would not be going due to all of

the controversy that has been going on as of late…but I already have the tickets, and the other guys are counting on

me. I cannot let them down…plus they have to buy the drinks for my birthday!


“It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.” – Gabriel Garcia Marquez


1. Age is just a number…but in your case it is a BIG number.

2. Don’t let aging get you down…it is too hard to get back up.

3. If things get better with age…then I am becoming one magnificent guy.

4. You are only as old as you remember that you are.

5. The senility prayer…God grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run

into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.

6. Old age is always 10 years older than I am.

7. Last but not least. I am so old that I fart dust!

That is all I have today on my birthday. As always be good, do good, play safe, and remember:

Linda Fausz also had her birthday last Saturday. Happy belated birthday.


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