CHESTERFIELD – Connor Brooks and his crew of helpers saw an important need and they knew they could help.
Because they did, the Richmond Railroad Museum has a new mini-bridge and Brooks is a step closer to his Eagle rank.
Brooks’ Eagle project greatly improved the access and safety for the museum’s former Seaboard Coast Line caboose No. 21019 – one of the most popular attractions there. Joining Brooks were fellow Chester Troop No. 2815 Scouts Alex Anderson and Seth Kindberg.
The museum thanked Brooks and his team for what they called “their enduring contribution to the museum.”
The Old Dominion Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society, Inc., is a voluntary, non-profit Virginia educational organization. Cost of admission is $5 for persons 14 and over every weekend. Hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday.
Anyone with an interest in railroads is welcome to monthly meetings at 7 p.m. at the Hull Street Station (the former Southern Railway passenger station at 102 Hull St.). The meetings are held on the third Monday of every month. Visit their website at
1 Comment
what an awesome job by Conner Brooks and his fellow scout brothers…congratulations on a job well done!