More Mice

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Hello and welcome back to the wonderful world of the Dogpound. A few weeks ago, I talked about the little mouse that was making his home in a box under my bathroom sink. I have the same problem in my three-car pole barn, but I expect that, and I plan accordingly. Being out in the country on two acres, you can expect critters to venture into your buildings, and I figured that the pole barn would be their first area of visitation. A preemptive strike there would reduce the odds of them strolling on over to the house. So, I picked up some of this mouse poison. They are little green balls, about the size of a marble, good for inside or outside use, and they are coated with fish oil to lure mice to the hidden stash. I take some old plastic containers, cut half the lid off, slip four or five pellets inside, and deposit them around the garage doors and few toward the back of the barn. Until this recent event, it had been pretty effective. Every few months I visit each location and refill as needed, and in most cases, when one was empty the others were as well. A few weeks ago, I refilled them, and just by chance, the other day, I happened to look into one and noticed that all of the green pellets were gone. I thought “Wow! That was fast!” Then when I checked all of the other containers, they had equally been cleaned out.  I said “Wow! Wow! I have been invaded!” Then during my spring cleaning, I found two dead mice, and I also found their nest, which was filled with, you guessed it, all of the missing green balls. I did not know mice collected and stored food. When they found these containers, they must have thought they discovered the “Motherload.” However, as their little lifeless bodies showed, their enthusiasm was quickly extinguished. This is not the end of the crusade, but I am sure, that as long as I have enough ammunition (green pellets), I will maintain the upper hand. Oh! One side bar. Remember the first mouse? I was in the closest picking out a pair of tennis shoes to wear – I have a rack of them (long story), and when I picked up one of the shoes, I heard this strange rattling sound. Hmmmmm?! I tilted the shoe back and out came one of those little green balls, along with some seed hulls. I don’t know why he decided that was a good place to huddle up in. Maybe he started there before moving to his penthouse in the tennis shoe box? 


“Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine.”  Dogpound Wisdom


Overheard: “I found nothing wrong with his autobiography, except for the poor choice of subject.”

Overheard: “I wanted to come back to work, but my boss asked me to stay at home, because everyone at the office were much happier when I was not there.”

Overheard: “I was in the grocery store the other day when I saw a man with a cart loaded with toilet paper and hand sanitizer. I really ripped him a good one for being so selfish and that he should be really ashamed of himself. He turned to me, pulled his mask down, and said, “Are you done? I really have to get back to restocking the shelves.”

That is all I have for today.  As always, be good, do good, play safe, and remember: mice among men is not a good thing. 



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