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Hello and welcome back to the wonderful world of the Dogpound. I hope you had a wonderful, blessed, and socially distanced Thanksgiving. Well, actually, forget the last thing. We need some normalcy these days, and wearing masks while carving the turkey just doesn’t seem to be something Norman Rockwell would have painted. So, anyway, my Dogpound world has been a bit crazy, as I have reiterated over the past few months. I have mice that are trying to turn my house into an Airbub project, but I think I have that now under control. One, I finally sent mommy to mouse heaven, and secondly, for good measure, I put a down a wire mesh covering over the air vent, which seems to be the only possible way they can get into the bathroom. Not sure why the bathroom is so popular. There is no food or anything else that they could want in that room, unless they need toilet paper? Hmmmm?! Then of course, I had all of the carpet replaced, which required me to completely upend my house, and then, adding icing on the cake, the dishwasher sprang a leak, which resulted in my kitchen floor being torn up, and hopefully, in a few more days, it will be replaced with something a lot less wrinkled (with the help of the insurance company..thank you!). Just in time for Thanksgiving to boot! Yey me! Despite that good piece of information, I continue to hit these speed bumps in the highway of life. When I replaced old Betsy (my
old 2004 CRV Honda), I got a newer one (2015), and it came with some extra bells and whistles, like heated seats. I have never had that feature before and I have grown quite fond of that feature during the winter months. So much, that I got a remote starter installed so I can have everything nice and toasty when I get ready to go to work or when I get ready to leave at the end of the day. One morning, I opened the garage door and clicked the button to warm up the car. To my dismay, upon entry, I found the car was still cold, but I shrugged it off, figuring I did not point it directly at the pole barn on the other side of my driveway. Next morning, I stuck my head out the kitchen door and clicked the switch. The car lights flickered on and off but never did turn the engine on. Well, bummer. So, I called the shop where I had it installed and made an appointment for the following Monday. I tell the masked man what the car was doing, and we walked out into the parking lot to see what was going on. He clicks the tab, and lo and behold, the car starts right up. Really? Actually, it turns out that it was operator error. For some reason I forgot that you only need to hold the tab down for one second to start the car, versus holding it down three seconds, which turns the car off. Senior moment? I don’t know, but he certainly got a chuckle out it.

“Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It is about learning to dance in the rain.” Dogpound Wisdom

Overheard, “I am still trying to figure out what college to go to, and my parents are still trying to find out which colleges are taking bribes.”

Overheard, “My family almost got me into Harvard, but the check bounced.”

Time to go. Big college football this weekend, and I need to get my Buckeye gear ready to go. As always, be good, do good, play safe, and remember, life is all around us, stop once in a while and take it in.



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