What I have learned

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I was doing some house cleaning and came across some old books that were just gathering dust, but one caught my eye. “Live and Learn and Pass it on,” by Jackson Brown Jr. He essentially solicitated people’s comments on this phrase, “I’ve learned…” So, I thought I would share some of them, specifically, those from those that were 60-plus in age, since I figured they had a lot more time to learn something.

“I’ve learned that life is a lot like a scooter car; not much happens unless you do some peddling.” Age 79; Unless you are of the “older” generation, most of you probably do not know what a scooter car is. LOL
“I’ve learned that most of the things I worry about never happens.” Age 64; I find this very true. We have a tendency to worry too much about things we cannot control.

“I’ve learned that it cost nothing to be nice.” Age 66; This is something that is probably being lost these days, being nice and passing it forward. There is the story where a guy pulls up to the drive through to get is large drink, and the clerk told him to keep his money because the couple just in front of him paid for his drink. Thinking that was nice, he looked in his review mirror at the car behind him. That car happened to be a large SUV filled with a young boy soccer team. Heck, for $1.98 drink, he decided he would pass it on another time and drove off.

“I’ve learned that a person is only as good as his or her word.” Age 90; Of course, in today’s digital world it is a lot harder to live by that statement.

“I’ve learned that nothing comes without effort.” Age 64; This is true down through the ages. Plus, I believe that things that come to you without any skin in the game, actually means less to you.
“I’ve learned that even when I have pains, I don’t have to be in pain.” Age 82; This is true. As you get older you do ache more, and you can choose to allow it to dictate your attitude or you can choose to make the best of it.

“I’ve learned that education, experience and memories are three things no one can take away from you.” Age 67; And I must add, that it is up to you to make the best of each one.

“I’ve learned that you cannot tell how far a frog can jump just by looking at him.” Age 79; Had to think about this one a bit…. I guess this is paraphrasing something like…”You cannot judge a book by its cover.”

“I’ve learned the best thing about growing older is that now I don’t feel the need to impress anyone.” Age 79; Well, of course, you have fewer peers to worry about. LOL

“I’ve learned that people are about as happy as they decide to be.” Age 79; This is very true…we are masters of how we approach each and every day.

“I’ve learned that days are long, but life is short.” Age 88; I found this one interesting and rather thought provoking.

“I’ve learned that the simple things in life are often the most satisfying.” Age 63; This is so true. Watching a beautiful sunrise or sunset. Watching the grandkids run around in the yard. Sitting on the sofa watching television with your pet sleeping on your lap…and so on.

“I’ve learned I cannot change the past, but I can learn to let it go.” Age 63; Easier said than done.

Out of space. If you have some “I’ve learned” moments, and want to share…please send to [email protected] with your age. Take care and God bless.




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