School Board choose prototype design for middle schools

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The Chesterfield County School Board recently adopted a prototype design for middle schools that will be built in the future. The new replacement of Manchester Middle construction project is part of the bond referendum overwhelmingly approved by Chesterfield County voters in 2013.

Six companies submitted design proposals. RRMM Architects was awarded the contract for its two-story design of almost 134,000 square feet that will accommodate 1,100 middle school students. The prototype is easily site adaptive and is the same prototype of the recently constructed Georgie Tyler Middle School in Isle of Wight County.

   “We are excited to be one step closer to providing students with a 21st century learning environment conducive to today’s classroom needs,” School Board Chair Javaid Siddiqi said.

“This prototype will save the school division money in future construction and allows for the replacement school to be built on school property without major disruption to the existing facility’s learning environment.”

Design of the replacement Manchester Middle will commence immediately following the award and contraction completion. The school is scheduled to open in January 2020. The existing facility originally opened as a high school in 1964.

More information, including details about what the contract includes, is available here:


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