Dogpound without football
0Hello and welcome back to the wonderful world of the Dogpound. This is a non-football issue since I am writing this weeks after the Big Game. OK then… the other day I went down into the basement to replace the air filter in my furnace. When I got to the bottom step I noticed that there was a mouse sitting in the middle of the basement floor. I suspected he had not noticed me, however; as I walked in his direction he made no attempt to move. He was sitting upright…like a squirrel holding a peanut in his paws. He…
A recipe for a tasty budget
0The ingredients now combining for the dish that is the county’s budget for fiscal year 2018 come from input from the budget staff, the county administrator, the superintendent of schools, and everyday peiople in communities. Both County Supervisors and School Board members in combined meetings hit the road last week, touring the county on a fact-finding tour to collect information on how citizens felt about the upcoming FY2018 budget. Along with them, key members of the budget and management department, libraries, public safety, schools, and others were on hand to answer questions. If you missed last week’s community budget round…
New regional high school applications due by Saturday
0CodeRVA, a new regional public high school, is scheduled to open for the 2017-2018 school year. The new school is located at 1405 Cummings Drive in Richmond, within five minutes of the Maggie Walker Governor’s School, and has a seven-year lease in a building owned by Michael & Son Services. The school’s design builds on next-generation school models across the nation that rethink the use of time and space, leverage technology to accelerate learning, personalize learning experiences, and redesign curriculum to align with competency-based progressions. Focused on computer science, the school will offer the opportunity to complete high school requirements…
That was then… Looks different to me
0The postcard on the top, as it says, depicts West Hundred Road going east just before crossing Chester Road in 1970. Not really that long ago in Fausz years. The photo features an Esso station at left where the Chester pocket park is today. The Esso in the picture was owned and operated by Aubrey Lindsey, Sr. Catty-corner to the gas station on the right is Hines Food Center with ivy about to engulf the building. The picture on the bottom is a little different compared to the one on the top. Sure the gas station is gone and Sibley’s BBQ…
Two programs and a stage
0Spring will be here soon, and many people will be determined to have that luscious lawn. Others may not be focused on the grass but instead are curious as how to maintain and enhance a landscape. Congratulations to both because determination and curiosity are required to be a successful gardener. Here are two programs that the Chesterfield Cooperative Extension office offers that may be of interest if the above sentences are applicable. Grass Roots is a program designed for citizens to learn and remedy specific problems that are contributing to current lawn conditions. More than 5,000 county residents have participated…
Facilities offer different options for memory care residents
0In 1901, after exhibiting signs of memory loss, delusions, and temporary fugue states, Auguste Deter was admitted to a mental institution. While there, she was examined by German psychiatrist Aloysius Alzheimer, and after her death in 1906, Alzheimer eventually diagnosed Deter as having pre-senile dementia. Four years later, it became known as Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, and it is responsible for 60 to 80 percent of cases of dementia. More than 5.4 million struggle with the disease, and symptoms include memory loss, mood swings, behavioral issues, disorientation, loss of…
0BRANDERS BRIDGE RD (150xx block) 02/10/2016 12:00 p.m. – Rear entry into an abandoned structure. Household goods and miscellaneous items stolen. BRANNER PL (123xx block) 02/12/2017 10:00 p.m. – Front driver’s side door entered. Electronics stolen from vehicle. BUENA VISTA BLVD (23xx block) 02/07/2017 6:00 p.m. – Vandalism-Motor Vehicle CAPTAIN DR (128xx block) 02/11/2017 11:00 p.m. – Front passenger side door entered. Money and miscellaneous items stolen from vehicle. CENTRALIA RD (51xx block) 02/08/2017 7:00 p.m. – Vandalism-Motor Vehicle CHESTER VILLAGE DR (117xx block) 02/02/2017 9:00 a.m. – Rear door entry. Electronics and miscellaneous property reported stolen. COGBILL RD (44xx…
Wind-driven fires
0T here are weather events that increase the probability of a fire starting and rapidly getting out of control. A week or so ago, we had one of those events. A strong wind came through at night, and three working incidents took place during that time. A house, a detached garage, a large out building, and a few acres of woodlands, in three different locations in the county, caused the evacuation of some and firefighters to be busy through the night. Wind-driven fires, given the right conditions, have the potential for rapid fire spread once they get started. A wind-induced…