Is it Christmas Yet? Part 3
0Hello and welcome to the “I can hardly wait for Christmas” Dogpound. Even though I am writing this article weeks in advance, I can feel the spirit of Christmas starting to worm its way through all the murky, snarly daily issues that tries to drain the positive energy out of each and every one of us. The closer it gets, the better I feel, and the better I feel, the more spring I have in my step. So much so, I have made more progress in my attempt to get all of my Christmas shopping done before Christmas Eve. Last…
Miss Lucy Corr Played Santa
0By Barbara McHale Miss Lucy Corr came to Chesterfield County in 1945 to serve as Superintendent of the Welfare Department. Realizing that many families did not have the means to celebrate the holidays, she and her small staff volunteered their time collecting food, toys, clothing, and monetary donations to help those in need. “Miss Lucy” relied on the police chief for support in delivering food and gifts to families in Chesterfield and Colonial Heights. Read more about the Christmas Mother program on page 11.
Christmas at the Movies: Kiwanis Club of Chester Christmas Parade
0Another wonderful afternoon at the Chester Kiwanis Christmas Parade! The annual parade drew many spectators. Dorothy Jaeckle served as the Grand Marshal leading 73 groups that included floats, cars, dancers, horses, bands and more. Joe Schetting was the master of ceremony at the parade that represented local businesses, churches and organizations in the community. A special thank you to the Chester YMCA, JT Morriss, Chick-fil-A, and the Chester Library for allowing us use of their parking lots for staging/disbanding the parade participants. Also, thanks to Heritage Chevrolet many floats were able to use their cars during the parade and County…
Vehicle crashes into home on Route 10
0A driver ran off the road and hit a house in the 3500 block of West Hundred Road around 11 a.m. The driver was taken to the hospital. . When police arrived on the scene, they found the man unconscious but breathing on his own. Officers say the crash happened due to a medical emergency the driver experienced, causing him to jump the sidewalk and hit the house. The resident of the house, Sherry Farrow, was at church when she heard the news. “Our sofa was right against that wall. It is a wreak inside, everything has been pushed forward in…
And… Rededication of Linear Park
0Girl Scout Troop 5233 completed their Silver Award Project by installing mile markers in the Chester Linear Park. On December 27, at 9 a.m. at the Chester Linear Park, Girl Scouts from Troop 5233 will have a dedication and install plaques at the park. “Sadly, this will be the final event the girls will do together as a troop because the troop will be dissolved due to relocation of its leader and one of its Scouts to Alabama,” said troop leader, Shana Demby. Members of the community are invited to come out to the dedication on Tuesday, Dec. 27 and…
Birthday Celebration
0Birthday Celebration for the Dodd Family The Dodd family celebrated Imogene Dodd’s 80th birthday Nov. 18. Out-of-town family members continued their stay to enjoy Thanksgiving and helped celebrate Imogene’s grandson Ethan’s 13th birthday Nov. 24. Those present for the occasions were; Imogene Dodd, Ethan Dodd, Candice and Lydia Dodd, Ava and Kathryn Wagner, Kent and Michelle Dodd, Richard and Robin Dodd, Jonathan and Jennifer Dodd, Jane and Michael Wagner, cousin Renee McCormick and their family dog, Romi.
Christmas Concerts
0Christmas Concert on the Village Green this weekend On the outdoor stage at Chester Village Green, the Praise Team from Bermuda Baptist Church will offer a free Christmas concert Saturday. Dec. 17 at 6 p.m.. There will be fresh-baked cookies, hot chocolate, and coffee, all for free. This is a community event that you will not want to miss. Dress warmly and bring a chair. See you there. Richmond Brass & Percussion Consort to Perform Christmas Concert The Richmond Brass & Percussion Consort under the direction of George L. Tuckwiller III, and featuring guest soprano Lisa Edwards Burrs, will present a…
A process
0I have managed to stay away from writing about the election, but as the inauguration is growing increasingly near, I cannot stay silent any longer. I am fearful, I am anxious, I am overwhelmed, and I am burdened by sorrow that my fellow Americans have put something into play that will undoubtedly be a troublesome and frightening era for this country. I have the opportunity, writing for this newspaper, to say what I feel on a public platform. I am thankful for this, and wonder how long I will be able to do so freely. About four weeks ago, I…