Police Blotter
0ALDRIDGE AVE (25xx block) 05/19/2016 4:10 p.m. – Weapons Violations-Brandishing a Weapon BAILEYS GROVE DR (211xx block) 05/22/2016 6:30 p.m. – Miscellaneous items stolen from residence. BASS ST (207xx block) 05/22/2016 8:00 p.m. – Vandalism-Residential BELLWOOD RD (13xx block) 05/25/2016 10:00 a.m. – Miscellaneous items stolen from vehicle. BEULAH RD (38xx block) 05/25/2016 2:35 a.m. – Front window entry. BRANDERS BRIDGE RD (124xx block) 05/09/2016 8:00 a.m. – Vandalism at school. BROADWATER WY (150xx block) 05/20/2016 1:46 p.m.- Electronics stolen from residence. BRYANBELL LN (50xx block) 05/18/2016 11:30 p.m.- Vandalism-Residential BUFORD CT (80xx block) 05/17/2016 5:00 p.m. – Firearms stolen…
A Common Cause
0I just rode by a house that was ravaged by fire early Sunday morning. It was obvious that the fire had started on the front porch or in the vicinity of the front porch. Fire investigators have determined that the fire started in a flowerpot, on the front porch, from an improperly discarded cigarette. In this fire, the occupants were displaced, but no one lost their life. Why do I call this a common cause? In Chesterfield County alone, there have been three house fires – in the recent past that I know of – that were caused by improperly…
Recently Deceased
0AGNOR, Mr. Austen Tyler, 20, of Chester, an Army veteran on track to become a nurse practitioner, husband of Crystal Rasheda Agnor. BATES, Mr. Clarence Ervin, 63, of North Chesterfield, husband of Shirley Bates. CHAVIS, Ms. Patricia, 60, of Chesterfield. COLLINS, Mrs. Kim M., 50, of North Chesterfield, wife of Luther “Junnie” Collins. DOLORESCO, Ms. Norma Henritte, 88, of Chesterfield. DOWDY, Mrs. Myrtle “Myrt” Spencer, 71, of North Chesterfield, widow of Jerry D. Dowdy. EASTMAN, Mrs. Vera Davis, 89, of South Chesterfield, widow of Edward S. Eastman Sr. GIRLING, Mr. Leonard Maurice III, 70, of North Chesterfield, a Vietnam War-era Air force veteran, husband of Joyce E. Girling.…
Summertime Tradition
1Nothing says American summer like cookouts, iced tea, and swimming pools. Really, it is the community swimming pool that has come to play a major role in American communities. That is very apparent in Stoney Glen where families have been cooling off by the community pool on hot summer days since it opened nearly three decades ago. Still, what has made Stoney Glen’s community pool such an important piece of the Chester community is not the summer heat relief or the cookouts and iced tea; it is the swim team. Since 1996, kids in and around Stoney Glen have been…
Chester area Vacation Bible Schools
0June 14-16 Cornerstone Assembly of God 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Kids Blitz Live Crowd Participation June 20-24 Chester United Methodist Church 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. Surf Shack-Wave of God’s Grace June 20-24 Ironbridge Baptist Church 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. Walk This Way June 10-24 Union Branch Baptist Church 5:30 p.m. until 8:30 pm June 25-26 Grace Lutheran Church Day 1 – 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Day 2 – 10:45a.m. until 2 p.m. Pets Unleashed June 26-30 Harrowgate Worship Center 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Deep Sea Discovery June 27-29 Chester Baptist Church 10 a.m. until 12…
Disappearing Railroads
1By Doug Riddel While Chester has had a railroad presence since before the American Civil War, the Seaboard Air Line Railroad (SAL) passed through town for only about 70 years. By contrast, the right-of-way through Chester, the former Atlantic Coast Line Railroad (ACL) – presently owned by CSX Transportation (CSX), and used by Amtrak trains as well as its own freight trains – is a descendant of the Petersburg Railroad, from Richmond to the Cockade City, one of America’s pioneer rail lines. The CSX route through Chester continues to be a vital link with the main line stretching from New…
School Board out of order
0By Bill Brown Last night’s (May 24th) meeting of the Chesterfield County School Board did not get off to an auspicious start. First, although documents being used during meetings (work sessions and regular meetings) are routinely made available online at http://www.boarddocs.com/vsba/chesterfield/Board.nsf/Public, the process is not without flaws. This morning an addendum to Memo 51, “Recommended Personnel Action,” was posted to this web site but ordinary citizens were blocked from accessing that addendum. In what would seem to be a praiseworthy action, Robert W. Thompson, school board member from the Matoaca Magisterial District, asked this item be moved from the consent…
Heveners’ Hail to their Alma Mater
1In 1931, Ruth Puckett Williams unknowingly began a family trend when she graduated from Chester High School, presently known as Thomas Dale. Although the school and the surrounding Chester area have changed over the past 80 years, her family’s presence at Thomas Dale has notably remained unchanged. Today, ten of Williams’ descendants, spanning three generations, also identify Thomas Dale as their alma mater. Thelma Williams Hevener, Williams’ daughter, followed in her mother’s footsteps, graduating from Thomas Dale in 1956. Thelma’s sons, too, pursued the same path for their high school diploma, Raymond Jr. graduating in 1977, Stephen in 1981, and…