Weekly Calendar
0APRIL 20 AMERICAN RED CROSS KNT/CROCHET CLASSES – 10 a.m. Chester Baptist Church, 4317 School St. Details: Vee Hancock, 804-276-2891. CHESTERFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JOINT MEETING WITH THE SCHOOL BOARD AND MEMBERS OF THE CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION GOALS & ACCOUNTABILITY COMMITTEE – 12 p.m. School Board Administration Building, 9900 Krause Road, Chesterfield. CHESTERFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS/SCHOOL BOARD LIAISON COMMITTEE meeting – 2 p.m. School Board Administration Building, 9900 Krause Road, Chesterfield. This meeting has been cancelled. APRIL 21 KINSHIP CONNECTION SUPPORT GROUP – 4:30 p.m. until 6 p.m. join with other grandparents who are raising their grandchildren. Chesterfield Community…
Solar panel donation and installation
0During the morning of April 19, Off Grid by Design donated and installed a one kilowatt solar panel system at Falling Creek Middle. The solar panel was installed along the bus loop, just behind the school’s garden. It will offer hands-on learning about the green power industry. The clean, renewable energy from the solar panel will power a recharging station for student Chromebooks and will recharge 12-volt batteries used with underwater robotics vehicles. Also, the solar panel will be linked to the school’s digital kiosk that records different types of information, so that students can understand the amount of energy…
History Programs at Historic Magnolia Grange
0The Chesterfield Historical Society of Virginia (CHSV) will present two special events at Historic Magnolia Grange House Museum on Saturday April 23 and Tuesday May 10. The Saturday program on April 23 offers costumed interpreter and reenactor Jason Jones portraying John Wilkes Booth, assassin of President Abraham Lincoln. The program will reveal the thoughts and rationalizations that led to Booth’s violent actions as he was on the run eluding capture in April of 1865. This free event begins at noon and is open to the public. Volunteer docents at Magnolia Grange will offer a tea in honor of Mother’s Day…
A plant-based diet can have earthly effects
0To the Editor: With the 47th annual observance of Earth Day just around the corner, this is a great time to explore more effective ways of slowing climate change and conserving Earth’s natural resources for future generations. A 2010 UN report charged animal agriculture with 19 percent of man-made greenhouse gases – more than all transport – and recommended a global shift to a vegan diet. A subsequent World Watch study placed that contribution closer to 50 percent. Meat and dairy production also dumps more water pollutants than all other human activities combined. It is the driving force in global…
Spring Sweetness
0This past weekend was beautiful; the azaleas are in full bloom (those that weren’t maimed by the frost), the buttercups are sprouting up everywhere, and pollen is gently falling like late yellow snow. It’s both wonderful and awful at the same time (my eyes have never been so itchy). While we play, and play, and play some more, we enjoy being out in the perfect weather. The sky so blue it makes your heart give a little squeeze, the flowers so vibrant, and the birds singing a chorus just for us. It makes you drunk on contentment. My darling girl…
2016 Senior Idol Finalists Named
0Tickets are now on sale for the 2016 Senior Idol Competition, featuring 12 talented seniors, 50 years of age and older, competing for cash prizes of $300, $200 and $100 respectively, on Friday, May 13 at 7 p.m. at Victory Tabernacle Church located at 11700 Genito Road in Midlothian. Brandi Pope, Mrs. Virginia America 2012 and the executive director and producer of the Mrs. Virginia America Pageant will be our emcee for this exciting show. The competition, sponsored in part by The Shepherd’s Center of Chesterfield, Victory Tabernacle Church and Lucy Corr Village. Proceeds will help benefit the senior services…
Police Blotter
0BELFIELD TR (47xx block) 04/12/2016 1:00 p.m. – Money stolen from vehicle. BENSLEY COMMONS LN (71xx block) 04/08/2016 5:00 a.m. – Rear door entry. BERMUDA TRIANGLE RD (126xx block) 04/07/2016 1:45 a.m. – Entry into government building. Miscellaneous items stolen. BEULAH OAKS LN (69xx block) 04/08/2016 11:15 a.m. – Front door entry. BEULAH RD (38xx block) 04/12/2016 7:20 p.m. – Weapons Violations-Explosives (possess,illegal use) BLACK OAK RD (48xx block) 04/12/2016 6:00 p.m. – Vandalism-Motor Vehicle BRANDERS BRIDGE RD (124xx block) 04/12/2016 7:22 a.m. – Electronics stolen from school building. BRIDLE PATH DR (213xx block) 04/10/2016 10:00 p.m. – Vandalism-Motor Vehicle…
Crime of the Week
0The Chesterfield County/Colonial Heights Crime Solvers program needs your help to solve a larceny from auto case. On Sunday, Feb. 14, at approximately 1:30 p.m., a woman ran into the CVS located at 629 Boulevard to pick something up. She took money with her, but left her purse in her car. Unfortunately, someone took advantage of the opportunity and took the purse from the car. As CVS Loss Prevention was reviewing the surveillance footage, which captured the vehicle break-in, they discovered the suspect had also shoplifted merchandise from the CVS store. That suspect was a white female who appeared to…