
Recently Deceased


Archer, Mrs. Louise Wells, 87, of Chester, widow of John L. Wells Jr. Broyles, Dorian N., 12, of North Chesterfield, son of Anthony Neal and Christina Lynn Wermann Broyles. Deal, Mrs. Jacqueline Marie Reiter, 81, of North Chesterfield. Denson, Mrs. Frances White, 84, of Chester, widow of Wesley P. Denson. Edwards, Mr. Delmus Robert, 83, of North Chesterfield, a Korean War Army veteran, widower of Bernice Edwards. Fletcher, Mr. Jarrett S., 37, of North Chesterfield, a Navy veteran. Flippo, Mrs. Marie Ratliff, 85, of Chesterfield, widow of Ewell G. Flippo. Franklin, Mrs. Judy Reed, 74, of Chesterfield, wife of William Thomas Franklin III. widow…

I Implore You


To implore means to beg or ask repeatedly. The issue that I am imploring about seems like a “no-brainer,” but some people obviously have to be reminded constantly. The other night, a minor accident on 288 turned into a major accident, when a vehicle careened into the accident scene from the other side of 288. The conditions were extremely hazardous due to ice on the roadway. The first accident was caused by icy conditions and resulted in two vehicles ending up in the median. Though I am not certain of all of the details, an engine, ambulance and state trooper…

Local Eats: Restaurant Guide


AMERICAN Applebee’s 11900 Iron Bridge Plaza Bigs Barbecue 6515 Centralia Rd Brew American Gastropub 6525 Centralia Rd Boulevard Flower Gardens Cafe 2100 Ruffin Rd. Buffalo Wild Wings 12312 Bermuda Crossroads Ln. Central Park Deli 12744 Jefferson Davis Hwy Half-Way House Restaurant 10301 Jefferson Davis Hwy Hooter’s 2401 W Hundred Rd Howlett’s Restaurant & Tavern 3530 Festival Park Plaza 804-930-1034 Huckleberry Cafe & Catering 11400 Iron Bridge Rd I Don’t Know Sports Grille 1920 W. Hundred Rd. King’s Korner 7511 Airfield Dr, North 804-271-0033 Logan’s Roadhouse 2301 W Hundred Rd Mr B’s 11844 Chester Village Dr Murphy’s Law 6411 Chesterfield Meadows Dr.…

Dogpound President’s Day


Hello and welcome back to the wonderful world of the Dogpound. The Super Bowl is over, Valentine’s Day is done, no one really cares about President’s Day (we don’t even get the day off), and it is way too early to get excited about March Madness… so what should we talk about? I guess we could venture into the presidential politics… but not so sure that is a good thing. Many folks take a side… whether it be Republican or Democrat… and they are like concrete in that stance. They live as if their party has all the answers, all…

Cornelius Mimms: The Legend and Legacy


With the ongoing celebration of Black History Month in February, the Chesterfield County Historical Society (CHSV) and its African-American History Committee has compiled the life story of the man behind the naming of Mimms Loop – Cornelius Mimms, a Chesterfield County resident who was born before the Civil War and became an important African-American leader. In his honor, a new exhibit entitled, Cornelius Mimms: A Legend and Legacy opened this month at the Chesterfield County Museum, 6813 Mimms Loop in the Chesterfield government complex. The exhibit will run through the fall. Cornelius Mimms was born September 17, 1857 during slavery.…

Winter Lecture Series Continues


The Chesterfield Historical Society of Virginia (CHSV) continues its ninth annual “Winter Lecture Series” that started on January 8 and continues every second Friday through March 18.. Each lecture begins at 7 p.m In conjunction with the celebration of Black History Month, the program on February 19 features a first-person portrayal of Harriett Tubman presented by living history interpreter Charmaine Crowell-White. On March 4, speakers Buddy Cranford and Scott Williams of the Chesterfield Historical Society’s Military History Committee will present a lecture entitled, “World War I Comes to Chesterfield,” accompanied by a display of historic stereoscopic glass slides taken in…

VN Travels to India


Dee and Chris Knaggs with a copy of the Village News taken in Agra Fort in the City of Agra, India. Dee and Chris toured India for three weeks with the University of Michigan alumni group.

Weekly Calendar


FEBRUARY 17 AMERICAN RED CROSS WEB OF HOPE KNITTINg/CROCHET CLASSES – 10 a.m. Chester Baptist Church, 4317 School St. Details: Vee Hancock, 276-2891. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS – SCHOOL BOARD LIAISON COMMITTEE – 2 p.m. until 3 p.m. This Committee serves as a point of regular contact between the School Board and the Board of Supervisors. School Board Administration Building, 9900 Krause Rd. AN EXPLORATION OF AFRICAN AMERICAN ART AT THE VMFA – 7 p.m. until 8 p.m. Meadowdale Library. Register online at FEBRUARY 18 ACOUSTIC CONCERT SERIES: The Cary Street Ramblers – 7 p.m. until 8 p.m. Central Library.…

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