Weekly Calendar
0DECEMBER 9 ANCESTRY.COM – GET STARTED AT CCPL – 10:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Central Library. Register online at library.chesterfield.gov. DECEMBER 10 CHESTER PICKLEBALL – Goyne Park. Ecoff Ave. Each Thursday. 9 until 11 a.m. 6 until 8 p.m. Play will be at the tennis courts located behind the baseball field. Questions or info, call 804-712-8113. SUSTAIN OUR COMMUNITIES COMMIITTEE – 9a.m. until 10 a.m. To study and analyze blight prevention techniques and programs; then advise business organizations, Chesterfield County Airport, Conference Room B (2nd Floor), 7511 Airfield Drive, North Chesterfield DECEMBER 11 “DARK DAYS” WITH D. RANDALL BLYTHE -…
Toy Airlift brings Santa in for a landing
0The Virginia Chapter Ninety-Nines will once again be holding a Toy Airlift at Richmond Executive-Chesterfield County Airport this Saturday. The Toy Airlift will benefit the children of military personnel at Fort Lee, Virginia and the veterans at McGuire Veterans’ Hospital. The airport has placed a toy collection box in their lobby where pilots and residents can place new, unwrapped toys for children of all ages. The toys will be distributed to military families who need help providing for their children, many of whom are injured, ill or struggling financially. Items such as patient clothes, toiletries, and gift cards can also…
Nuts About Nuts
0The holiday season is notorious for adding a few unwanted pounds to most Americans festive frames. Holiday parties and family get-togethers tempt us with seasonal and calorie-packed treats and sweets that can quickly add up if not limited or resisted. But not all holiday snacks are unhealthy. Nuts have been an important staple of human and animal diets for thousands of years. By definition, the nut is a fruit consisting of a hard or tough shell around an edible kernel. The botanical definition has the additional requirement that the hard, stony or woody shell does not open to release the…
Jingle Bell Poinsettias Rock
0Jingle Bell Rock, not just a Christmas song for my fellow garden enthusiasts, but it is also one of the new varieties of poinsettias available to brighten your home this Christmas season. I had the opportunity to spend an hour on location with Mark Landa, owner of Boulevard Flower Gardens on Ruffin Mill Road last week. Boulevard is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2015 and has produced poinsettias since the late 80’s. Part of that time was spent in the green house where they produce over 8,000 plants annually. They have over 20 varieties in colors such as red, pink,…
Police Blotter
0BASS ST (207xx block) 12/01/2015 12:15 p.m. – Rear door forced open and attempt entry through front door. Property reported stolen. BEULAH OAKS LN (69xx block) 12/03/2015 2:00 a.m. – Multiple unlocked vehicles entered and property stolen. BRIAR PATCH DR (118xx block) 11/28/2015 2:40 p.m. – Weapons Violations-Brandishing a Weapon CHESTER RD (91xx block) 12/01/2015 1:00 p.m. – Forced entry into locked trailer. Property reported stolen. CLIFFSIDE DR (9xx block) 11/27/2015 12:00 p.m. – Electronics reported stolen from residence. CLUB RIDGE DR (118xx block) 12/01/2015 4:00 p.m. – Miscellaneous items stolen from unlocked vehicle. COMMONS PZ (70xx block) 11/29/2015 3:30…
Crime of the Week
0The Chesterfield County/Colonial Heights Crime Solvers program needs your help to solve a robbery. Around 2:30 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 9, a young man was standing outside his apartment in the 3900 block of Handel Court in Squire Hill Apartments. A gold-colored sedan, possibly a Toyota, stopped near him and a black male wearing all-black clothing and a mask got out of the driver’s side front seat. He pointed a gun toward the victim’s feet and demanded his shoes. The victim refused, so a second black male suspect exited the vehicle from the rear passenger side. Before that passenger reached…
Live Trees
0It is that time of year. Thanksgiving has passed and folks cannot wait to put their Christmas trees and other decorations up. Some will put up their artificial trees, but many will put up live trees from a Christmas tree farm or from some lot, somewhere in the area. When picking a live tree that is dying, it is important to choose the freshest tree possible. One way to determine freshness is to pull on the branches. If needles come off in your hand, leave that tree on the lot. You want to start with a tree that will last…
Recently Deceased
0Belcher, Mr. Wayne J., 75, of Chesterfield, husband of Judy Belcher. Davidson, Mrs. Elizabeth Burton Winn, 89, of Chesterfield, widow of James C. Davidson Sr. Foster, Ms. Marsha Lorraine, of Chesterfield. Hampton, Mr. Olyn P. Jr., 68, of Chester, husband of Judy Hampton. Harris, Mrs. Dorothy Carmen, 91, of North Chesterfield, widow of Williard Thomas Harris. Hamner, Mr. Wesley G., 61, of Richmond, husband of Ann D. Hamner. Hiestand, Mrs. Mary Jo Allshouse, 92, of Chesterfield, widow of Olen A. Allshouse and Thomas Ferdinand Hiestand. Hogan, Mrs. Betty Mae George, of North Chesterfield, wife of Gerald A. “Jerry” Hogan. Issacs, Mr. Fred W. Jr., of Chester,…