Chesterfield students to demonstrate STEAM skills

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Elementary students from Chesterfield County Public Schools will demonstrate enthusiastic problem-solving and teamwork during STEAMmania 8 a.m.-1 p.m. March 19 at the Science Museum of Virginia, 2500 W. Broad St. in Richmond.

STEAM (which stands for science, technology, engineering, art and math) has exploded across Chesterfield County Public Schools, causing the annual STEAM fair to split into two events:

STEAMmania on March 19 and an April 9 event for middle and high school students.

STEAMmania will include minute-to-win-it challenges, such as balancing four empty soda cans on a paper plate floating in water or bouncing a pingpong ball onto a piece of bread covered in marshmallow fluff. In addition to minute-to-win-it competitions for elementary school teams, there will be opportunities for parents, siblings and others to participate in minute-to-win-it games and additional hands-on engineering activities on March 19.

Parents and family members of Chesterfield County Public Schools students who are participating in STEAMmania can enter the event at no cost; others will have to pay admission to the Science Museum of Virginia. More information about STEAMmania is available in the events section of


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