Second Branch Community day filled with fun

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Antique cars, yummy treats, yard sales, fellowshipping from several local churches and the opportunity to visit with old friends and to meet new ones made for a festive air at the First Second Branch Community Day event, hosted by Second Branch Baptist Church and held at Beach and Bundle roads Saturday.

Bubba Toney and his grandson Brandon were on hand with Bubba’s 1966 Mustang. Toney has been seen at car shows with that car. Brandon is just waiting for the day when he can take it for a spin. Sitting behind the wheel, Brandon looked like he was a pro at driving already.

“I’ve had the car since 1979,” Toney said. He smiled and nodded his head toward Brandon and said, “If he could reach the pedals he’d be driving now.”

Visitors walked around the event that was in a field between Spencer’s Store and Rascal’s Pizza. Cornhole and bean bag toss games were set up, and children and adults alike couldn’t wait to take their turns and play.

A beautiful handmade quilt was given away in a free drawing.

Mercy Mall, an organization located at Chesterfield Industrial Park at Chesterfield Airport that helps those in need, had a table with items from stuffed animals to collectibles and they were accepting donations.

A big hit was the Kona Ice truck, which offered a free shaved ice treat to everyone at the event. Marla Horsley of Kona Ice kept busy giving out big smiles, friendly hellos, and cups of shaved ice.

Huge, old trees with large branches filled with green leaves offered welcoming spots of shade for visitors to sit and talk a a while or just take break from the heat. Two friends, Earl Sale Jr. and Patricia Boyd, relaxed in their lawn chairs under a shade tree and visited with friends.

“I’ve been a member of Second Branch since 1970,” Boyd said, “I sing in the choir; I’m involved with the women’s mission.”

Fords and Chevrolets, cars and pick-ups, from Mustangs and coupes to a lone Volkswagen Beetle, made a handsome display for anyone who admired antique vehicles.

Barbara Allen of Second Branch Baptist Church said the community day was a kick-off for their revival which would begin Sept. 18.

The community day had an endless stream of visitors and made for a great opportunity for neighbors and friends to get together.


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