Eye see?

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Pat Rende spoke to the Chester Lions Club April 9 about the Lions’ KidSight USA program, which is aimed at infants and children six months to 6 years. Approximately 5 percent of children in this age group have amblyopia, a treatable disorder also known as ‘lazy eye,’ can result in permanently reduced vision when not addressed at an early age. Screening devices detect risk factors, such as strabismus (eyes that cross or wander out), refractive errors (the need for eyeglasses) and unequal vision between the two eyes. Amblyopia must be detected by age 6 and treated by age 7 to prevent permanent damage to or loss of vision. The Lions will offer a Spot Vision Screener in their mobile unit at the Chesterfield County Fair in August and at ChesterFest in September. (Photo by Carelynn Sheppard)


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