Chesterfield school board 2020 legislative program

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The 2020 legislative program reflects that Chesterfield County Public Schools is preparing students for successful futures and creating a better tomorrow. Their award-winning school division is preparing every student to be college and career ready. 

As they implement their new strategic plan, Imagine Tomorrow, Team Chesterfield is on the cusp of creating classrooms of the future that will allow students to soar to even greater heights. Imagine Tomorrow is more than a strategic plan; it is a daily focus as they seek to create an infinite-learner mindset while encouraging students and staff to exemplify personal responsibility and supportive relationships. By investing in education, they are preparing students for successful futures – both academic and social. 

A top legislative priority in the 2020 legislative program is Full Funding of K-12 Education. The Chesterfield County School Board supports full funding of state education programs including basic aid, prevailing instructional support staffing levels and categorical funding, teacher salary and retirement costs, as well as, capital and maintenance support: 

• Full funding of rebenchmarking and flexibility in the Standards of Accreditation/Standards of Quality; 

• Increasing public education’s share of the state budget to support innovation, teacher salaries, reduced class size and early- childhood programs; 

• Monitoring discussion by the Virginia Retirement System (VRS) of any changes that would lower the annual rate of return on investment, and the financial/local impact of any changes; 

• Attracting, training, paying and retaining quality teachers by establishing compensation and benefits that should attract beginning teachers and encourage teachers to stay in the profession over time; 

• Attracting, training, paying and retaining quality leaders (specifically principals) by establishing opportunities for leaders to grow in their profession and experience leadership roles should also be provided; 

• Eliminating the Commonwealth’s cap on funding of support positions and providing funding for support staff positions including school psychologists, nurses and social workers, as well as, instructional support, attendance, security, transportation, technology, facility operations and maintenance staff;

• Full funding of the SOQ requirements for school counselors enacted during the 2019 General Assembly; 

• Full funding of the Children’s Services Act (CSA) and opposes the shifting of any responsibility that would result in a funding reduction; and 

• A study by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission of the true cost of education in the Commonwealth, an accurate assessment of the costs to implement the Standards of Quality, and the efficiency and effectiveness of the Composite Index of Local Ability to Pay. 

Visit this link for a complete copy of the 2020 legislative program:


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