These Eyes

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Hello and welcome back to the wonderful world of the Dogpound. As Spring spreads into Summer, it also brings along the allergy season. All three of my kids suffer from some kind of allergy, but as for me, I do not have allergies. Despite being tested and found negative, I still have some symptoms. This is due primarily to the fact that I live in the country, and I am surrounded by farmland. When the farmers start plowing and spraying, all of the stuff in the air causes me to have some slight nasal drip and an occasional irritating nagging cough. The cough is particularly a pain because during the day I seldom get a coughing spell, but when I go to bed and lay down, I start hacking. It seems like there is some phlem hanging on my vocal chords, and when I am vertical it not much of a bother but when I get horizontal it starts to tickle the back of my throat. So, I go from no coughing to immediate coughing within seconds of laying down. What is even more weird is that if I lay on my left side it helps but it is still there, but if I lay on my right side the coughing very quickly dissipates. Weird? Right?! However, there is one other issue that just drives me out of my mind. For some reason, out of the clear blue sky my eyes start to tear up. I mean really tear up and start to burn as if I was sprayed with tear gas. There is very little to do but let it run its course which can take five to 15 minutes depending on severity of the attack. During one particular bad episode I had to pull over to the side of the road because I could not see to drive. Sometimes eye drops help, and one night during a very bad attack I stumbled my way to the bathroom to get some allergy drops I had just bought. I have a little shelf by the sink where I put various items, and I grabbed the white bottle and poured in a healthy dose in both eyes. Yikes! Not supposed to burn even more! Water eye bath. using both hands to splash water into my eyes!! After several minutes, when some vision returned, I was able to read the label on the bottle. As you may have guessed by now, it was not my allergy drops…it was ear wax removal drops. Thankfully there was no permanent damage, but it did sting for a while. What was even weirder, when I was reaching for the eye drops, my mind actually wondered, what would happen if I grabbed the wrong bottle. Karma? Don’t know!


“Be the light that helps others see.”    – Dogpound Wisdom


A lawyer and an engineer were fishing in the Caribbean. The lawyer said, “I’m here because my house burned down, and everything I owned was destroyed by the fire. The insurance company paid for everything.”

“That’s quite a coincidence,” said the engineer. “I’m here because my house and all my belongings were destroyed by a flood, and my insurance company also paid for everything.”
The lawyer looked somewhat confused. “How do you start a flood?” he asked.

Doctor to patient’s husband: “I’m sorry. We did all that was humanly possible, but we just can’t wake her from her coma. It doesn’t look good I’m afraid.”

“But doctor, she’s so young. She’s only forty.” Upon which the comatose wife said weakly… “Thirty-seven.”

That is all I have for today…need to save my eyes before another attack. As always, be good, do good, play safe, and remember to see the best and not the worse in everyone. 




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