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Hello and welcome back to the wonderful world of the Dogpound. If my calendar is correct, sometimes it is, we are almost ready to celebrate Labor Day; however, unfortunately, at this time, there will not be a lot of labor to celebrate. We are coming back from COVID 19 and it will take time and we will have to show some patience. So anyway, what else is going on? Well, I can add a new critter to my list…I have a mommy possum running around by the apple trees.  I am guessing she is going after the apples that have fallen on the ground. I see her early in the morning as I go to work, as she goes scurrying for the fence line with several of her underlings hanging on for dear life. Then there is my bunny rabbit. Now we know rabbits, like deer, come with country living, but this guy is very big, and very brown. Reminds me of a very big chocolate bunny, so my nickname for him is Mr. BB..aka, Big Bunny. I only bring this up because I planted some High Rise grass in my planters, to add a little bit of dimension to the flowers, and the rabbits seem to think, despite two acres of grass, they have to feast down on my planters. I see him out by the shed, and he usually has one or two female suitors nearby. So for fun, I will walk toward him to see what he will do. The other smaller rabbits very rapidly decide they need to “bug out” and run into the brush by the fence line. But not Big Bunny, he will sit very still, not moving a muscle or a whisker, but I know those big black eyes are giving me a good stare down. I will get about 10 feet from him until his nerves get the best of him and he hops over toward the brush pile. I have this big pile of brush, probably 15 foot in diameter,  that I am going to set on fire, someday. So he takes off behind the pile, but he does not go into the pile. He just sits there until I walk around it and close enough where he can see me, then he proceeds to go around to the other side of the pile. We can make several trips around the brush before I decide to reverse direction, and around we go again. But after a few round trips he will decide to head out into the yard with no real attempt to hide, just provide some distance. I really think, due to his size he has not figured out how to squeeze through the farmyard fence that surrounds my property. I finally get tired of stalking him  and I give him one good rush to make sure he takes off into the far side of the yard. See, this is what we do for fun out on the farm! Whoop!


The other day I was shopping in an arts and crafts store, where a friend of mine worked, for a gift for my niece. She had taken an interest in oil painting and I planned to purchase a beginner set of paints and brushes. My friend was at the cash register when I was checking out. I hadn’t seen her for a few weeks and had started a diet in the meantime, having moderate success. She asked me if I had gotten thinner. I was thrilled that it showed already and replied that I had lost a few pounds. She rolled her eyes and said, “I meant paint thinner.”

That is all I have for today.  As always, be good, do good, play safe, and remember there is nothing wrong with country living.



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