Little critters

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Hi and welcome back to the wonderful world of the Dogpound. I mentioned in the past that I have a few mice prowling around. I finally had to go hard and put in wire spring traps, since they were taking the poison and not eating it. I think they were just stocking it up for the cold winter months. I caught a couple, and after a few weeks I thought my problem was over, but not so. Over Labor Day I went to visit my sister and her husband, and on my return, I found little gifts where they should not be. So, the battle has been rejoined. To be honest, it has been a battle of wits lately. The mouse has found a way to get at the bait (cheese) without tripping the trap. So, I have stepped up the game by using peanut butter. We will see how that works. Speaking of return battles, last year, I had a lot of moles in my yard, and I spent a lot of time an energy trying to get rid of them. This year, I was proactive and put some chemicals in the yard that was supposed to repel them, and at the first sign of an intruder, I was putting poison worms down their holes. All summer I kept them at bay, and then a few weeks ago when I was mowing, I found some new holes over by the fence line. Grrrr! However, the good news is that it looks like I stopped them in their tracks. Part of country living, I guess.

Cherish the small things because someday you will look back and realize how big they really were. Dogpound Wisdom

“For heaven’s sake, Chris, why can’t you talk to me once in a while?” Julie whined. “What?” Chris replied. “Look around!” Julie yelled, as she pointed around the room. “Look at all these books! You always have your head buried in a book! You don’t even seem to know I’m alive!” “I’m sorry, honey,” Chris said. “Sometimes I wish I were a book. Maybe then you’d at least look at me,” Julie exclaimed. “Hmmmm,” Chris mumbled, “that’s not such a bad idea. Then I could take you to the library every few days and exchange you for something more interesting.”

My drama queen teenage daughter was recounting to my seemingly uninterested husband what she deemed a near-death experience and concluded the story with, “And I think I saw my life flash before my eyes.” Without a moment’s hesitation, my husband replied, “Wow! That must have been a sad short story.”
A man went to the hospital to visit his mother-in-law, who was in serious condition. On the way back the wife, very worried, asks: “So, honey? How’s my mom doing?” He replies: “She looks great! She is in good health! She will still live for many years! Next week she will be released from the hospital and will come and live with us, forever!” “Wow, that’s amazing!” – says the wife – “But this is very strange, dear. Yesterday she seemed to be on her deathbed, the doctors said she should have a few days to live!” “Well, I don’t know how she was yesterday,” he replied, “But today when I arrived at the hospital, the doctor told me that we should prepare for the worst.”

That is all I have for today. As always, be good, do good, play safe, and remember: life is short, so make sure you stick your head out the window and enjoy the ride.



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