
Dolls on a Mission


After three years, a prayer has been answered for Ray Spivey. She wanted to use her basement for a Christian ministry, and it has grown in her words “like wildfire.” Four volunteers came together in 2014 to fulfill a request from a local church that wanted 300 dolls for a mission trip to Nicaragua. These dolls were just not any dolls; they were hand-made salvation dolls. After the 300 were made, they were told they did not need them anymore for the mission trip. Not letting the news disappoint them, they found an alternate. “The Lord had a different plan…

A different approach keeps students engaged – A series no. 1


A 2011 survey conducted by the ING Foundation showed that next to immediate family, teachers had the most impact on a person’s life as they grow up. According to the results, 88 percent of Americans had a teacher who positively impacted their life and 83 percent had a teacher who helped build their self-esteem and confidence. One such teacher who has been lauded for his positive impact and relationship with students is Kyle Berchtold, a fourth-year English and Social Studies teacher at G.W. Carver Middle School and recent Teacher of the Year nominee. Berchtold who attended Edenboro University and then…

THAT WAS THEN: Click Clack


It was so much easier to jump on a trolley and head to Richmond to shop at Thalhimer’s or to Petersburg for lunch and tea especially if you didn’t have a car, which at the time of the trolley that rolled down Jefferson Davis Highway was the only way to go north or south along Route 1. It stopped at designated locations like the one still standing in Bensley. The electric trolley system initially ran from Manchester, which was part of Chesterfield at the time, 1909, to the DuPont plant. According to Chesterfield: An old Virginia County by Francis Lutz,…

CCPD officers to begin wearing body cameras


CHESTERFIELD – The Chesterfield County Police Department last week began issuing body-worn cameras to officers. After more than two years of research, testing and discussions with key stakeholders regarding body-worn cameras, the department last year entered into a contract with Axon, formerly known as Taser International Inc., for 450 Axon Flex 2 cameras. The Axon Flex 2 is Axon’s newest camera, and the Chesterfield County Police Department is the largest agency to date to begin using this equipment. The police department received its first shipment of cameras March 16. The cameras will be deployed in multiple phases to patrol officers,…

Kathy’s garden on garden club’s walking tour


When Chris and Kathy Griffin bought their Colonial Revival home at the corner of Richmond and Dodomeade streets 14 years ago, the yard had numerous bushes and trees. Today, because of her love of perennials, Kathy has transformed their yard into an English garden. Kathy’s garden, along with four additional area gardens, are participating in a garden walk sponsored by the Chester Garden Club on Sunday, April 23 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. “I guess you can call me an anglo-gardenphile,” she said. “I lived in England for a year. Chris and I both attended William and Mary College.…

Women’s health issues raised at wine-lovers meeting


Over the last 12 years, the LOGs (Lover of Grapes) meet-up have been about wine and dinner. They are getting older now, and while they still love tasting different vintages, health issues are moving into the forefront. One of the members has had such a success with a physical therapist that she wanted to share any information that could help someone with the same issues in their meet-ups. She ask her therapist if she did presentations, and with a yes answer, Llewellyn Slayton began making the announcement through email; Leakage and other issues relating to the bladder at the next…

Parks director speaks about historical parks


Dr. James Worsley, the Director of Chesterfield County Department of Parks and Recreation was the guest speaker Monday, April 3, at the Chester Station No. 1503 Sons of Confederate Veterans meeting. Worsley presented an update on the capital improvements being made to the county’s historical parks. Chester Station No. 1503 Sons of Confederate Veterans is a non-profit group organized and operated exclusively under the IRS code 501 (c) (3) for educational purposes with the specific charge to “ensure that the true history of the South is told to future generations.” Preserving and protecting the county’s Civil War battlefields, fortifications, and…



Summary of reported offenses  MAR 29 – APR 4 larceny  47  assaults  34   traffic   29   vandalisms   22   animal cases   16   drug offenses   15   miscellaneous   15  death invest.  14      fraud   13    burglary   6   weapon violations   6   injury   3   trespassing   3   robbery   1 CRICKLEWOOD DR (59xx block) 03/29/2017 9:30 a.m. – Rear window entered. Consumable goods reported stolen from residence. ABBEYDALE DR (132xx block) 04/01/2017 9:10 p.m. – Weapons Violations-Illegal Discharge ALFALFA LN (24xx block) 03/31/2017 7:30 p.m. – Miscellaneous items stolen from residence. APPLEFORD DR (30xx block) 03/30/2017 6:30 p.m. – Miscellaneous items stolen from residence.…

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