Don’t wait! Now is the time to enroll in Chesterfield schools
0Schools open Sept. 6; that’s just over a month from now. Is your child registered? Help your child have the best possible start to the new school year by registering now with Chesterfield County Public Schools. Registering now helps kindergarteners and other elementary students by making sure the correct amount of teachers is in place on the first day of school. Registering sooner rather than later helps middle and high school students get into the classes they want. Details about registering students are available here: During the summer, school offices are open Mondays through Thursdays to register new students.…
Three School Board advisory committees have openings
0Advisory committees established by the Chesterfield County School Board are one way that community members connect with schools. Advisory committee members are appointed from each of the county’s five magisterial districts and include parents, teachers, staff members, students, and other community members interested in helping Chesterfield County Public Schools achieve its vision of providing “an engaging and relevant education that prepares every student to adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing world.” Members serve two- or three-year terms, and seven seats are currently open. People interested in serving should apply no later than Aug. 19 by filling out an application…
Adult education changes lives: Register for classes
0Through the Adult Continuing Education Office, Chesterfield County Public Schools offers many opportunities in workforce training, GED preparation, enrichment, and English for Speakers of Other Languages. Details are available at and in printed catalogs available for pick-up in Chesterfield County libraries. Registration opens at 8:30 a.m. Aug. 8. Chesterfield County residents and non-residents can register online at or register in person at the Adult Continuing Education Office at the Career and Technical Center @ Courthouse, 10101 Courthouse Road, Chesterfield, VA 23832. Mail-in registration is possible for some classes, but not for workforce training classes. Chesterfield County residents who…
Recently Deceased
0Chhayrath, Mr. Vechay, 69, of North Chesterfield, husband of Savong Chhaysy. Fandrich, Mr. Larry Lee, 66, of North Chesterfield, a Navy retiree, husband of Marsha Fandrich. Garris, Mr. Robert Lee, 86, of North Chesterfield,a Korean War Army veteran, widower of Betty Marie Garris. Gilliland, Mr. Christopher Channings, 33, of Chesterfield. Graves, Mr. Donald Edward, 69, of Chesterfield, husband of Ramona McGough Graves. Hoover, Mr. Daniel James, 32, of Chesterfield. Krauth, Mr. Alvin Raymond “Ray” Jr., 69, of Chester, a Vietnam War-era Army veteran, husband of Judy Hayes Krauth. Lane, Mrs. Geraldine “Jeri” Ruth Fahrner, 76, of North Chesterfield, wife of Aubrey Roger Lane. Little, Mr. Wilson Ottmer “Buddy,” 79,…
Three Lives Lost
0At about 6:30 a.m., Wednesday, Richmond fire units were called to a single-family dwelling fire. News reports state that firefighters found smoke coming from the roof and, I would throw in, smoke coming from the eaves. It appears that firefighters found fire in the attic. Reports also stated that neighbors saw the smoke, attempted to notify occupants by knocking on locked doors, and made the call to 9-1-1. Most attics are not protected by smoke alarms. If the fire started in the attic, there was pre-burn time before smoke may have reached alarms. However, I have not read or heard…
CCPL invites residents to unique job fair: Ladders to Success
0Chesterfield County Public Library is partnering with the Resource Workforce Center to host a unique, nationally-recognized job fair that offers participants career skills workshops prior to their meeting with employers. Ladders to Success: Not Your Ordinary Job Fair is on Wednesday, Aug. 17, 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., Meadowdale Library, 4301 Meadowdale Blvd., North Chesterfield. Participants can speak directly to employers, apply for jobs, and have opportunities to interview on site. Both private and public employers will be in attendance. Four workshops will be offered August 3 and10, to help job seekers sharpen their skills. Robot Resumes to Beat the…
CBC takes second in World Series, Lucero wins batting title
0The Bronco-11 World Series held at Harry G. Daniels Park at Iron Bridge, is an event that’s caught the attention of local baseball fans dating back to 2009. After receiving third-place honors last year, the Chesterfield Baseball Clubs (CBC) team looked to bring the trophy back home. Coming off a fGold Bracket championship at the annual Richmond Flying Squirrels tournament earlier in July, the Bronco All-Stars were looking to add another first-place finish to their 2016 resume. The tournament started this last Thursday and CBC lost its first ballgame to West Raleigh, N Cc6-5, in a hard-fought game. CBC standouts…
TDHS softball players make college decisions
0A trio of Thomas Dale diamond standouts recently announced their commitments to continue their athletic and academic careers. Rising senior and reigning Village News softball player of the year Lauryn King is committed to West Virginia Wesleyan. Abby Nyquist, also a rising senior, is going to Christopher Newport. Taylor Byrd, a 2016 graduate, will attend William Peace University in Raleigh, North Carolina. King, an outfielder, has been described as a five-tool player. In baseball and softball, that’s an athlete that hits for both average and power, while running the bases well, displaying good arm strength, and fielding their position well.…