Health concerns around Dominion flyash permit
0Health minded kayakers or canoe paddlers learn their chops touring the Farrar Gut backwater at Dutch Gap. But recent findings by citizens group, Hands Across the Lake, indicate that the old James River channel (used before the Dutch Gap Canal was built during the Civil War) could be contaminated with heavy metals. Although Dominion Virginia Power disputes the findings that arsenic, chromium, and lead are among heavy metals are well below the standards set by the EPA and DEQ. Chesterfield County Duputy Administrator William Dupler said the effluent is not released into Farrar Gut released only upstream from Dutch Gap…
Old Stone Manor
0Known as the house of stone on the highway back in its day, all that remains today is the word stone in the development Stone Manor, located at the corner of West Hundred and Mason roads. LaGrande Martin, who worked as a chemist for Ethyl Corporation and later in the personnel department built the house for himself and his first wife Margaret in the 1930s. Martin did most of the designing and had help from Joe Battle, who supplied most of the slate, and Harry Owens, who did most of the inside work. Martin loved to travel and much of…
Weekly Calendar
0JULY 13 WHOLE GRAINS – 1:30 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. Senior Advocate’s Office, Chesterfield Community Development Building, 9800 Government Center Pkwy. Learn about the benefits of eating whole grains daily and the difference between whole grains and refined grains. Attendees will receive a healthy snack and a health guide with recipes and tips for healthy living. For more information contact Senior Advocate’s office at 804-768-7878. CHESTERFIELD FARMERS MARKET – 3 p.m. until 6 p.m. Chesterfield County Complex JULY 14 All county libraries will reopen on each Thursday beginning in the fall. Central Library is the only library open on Thursdays…
Police issuing written warnings over verbals warnings
0Earlier this year, the Chesterfield County Police Department began issuing written warnings for minor traffic infractions. Officers have always been able to issue verbal warnings for minor traffic violations that do not pose an immediate or significant hazard or danger to the public, and written warnings are not replacing verbal warnings. Now, officers have the option to end a traffic stop with a verbal warning, a written warning or a traffic summons. Traffic safety is a significant issue in Chesterfield County, according to officials; in 2015, police investigated 22 traffic-related deaths. Officers believe written warnings will help educate drivers and…
Does this stress make me look fat?
0If you’re reading this, you’re probably feeling the stress of everyday life and noticing your favorite pair of summer shorts is a bit more snug than last year. Stress does not always come dressed up as a disaster or traumatic event. For many of us ,it has become a state of life instead of a state of mind. It is the nasty bearer of cortisol, that would be helpful hormone if we were still cavemen running from predators in the wild. But repeated elevation of cortisol levels cause some pretty serious adverse effects, including weight gain. Following are seven reasons…
Sorrowful Summer
0If you are like me, then your heart is heavy this week. Actually, my heart has been heavy for longer than just this week, as our country is being torn apart from the inside out. This has been an emotional, frightening, and depressing week. But in reality, hasn’t every week provided us with something that makes our heart hurt? Two black men were shot and killed by police officers this week, and police officers in Dallas were killed in an alleged “revenge” style attack. There was death and destruction on our media networks streaming 24/7. How can you not be…
Around the World
0Village News goes to South Africa Pete Hypes, with Pastor Thobejane, his wife Ivey, and church leader Lancelot, in the village of Sealane. VN at summer camp Marissa Kelley and Sophia Lachica of Chester checked in at summer camp in Hartsfield, Va, along with a copy of the Village News. VN in Cozumel Amy, Jonathan, Cathy, and John Kirkland recently vacationed at Riviera Maya, Mexico. While taking a break from snorkeling in Cozumel, they rested with the Village News.
Police Blotter
0ALDERWOOD WY (35xx block) 07/04/2016 12:01 a.m. – Jewelry and electronics stolen from vehicle. ALDERWOOD WY (35xx block) 07/04/2016 12:01 a.m. – Jewelry and electronics stolen from vehicle. ALFALFA LN (25xx block) 06/29/2016 10:00 p.m. – Firearms stolen from residence. AUTUMN LEAF DR (54xx block) 06/30/2016 9:00 a.m. – Front door entry. BASS ST (207xx block) 07/05/2016 9:15 p.m. – Vandalism-Residential BATTLEWOOD RD (65xx block) 07/06/2016 10:00 a.m. – Rear window entry. BEN FRY DR (128xx block) 07/03/2016 2:00 a.m. – Vandalism-Motor Vehicle BRANDYWINE AVE (101xx block) 06/30/2016 10:00 p.m. – Vandalism-Motor Vehicle BRIMLEY PL (47xx block) 07/03/2016 12:30 p.m.…