Record Number of Jobs Boosts Retired Administrator’s Legacy
0Employment in Chesterfield County last year grew by 6 percent. The increase for the entire United States was 1.9 percent for the same period. The details behind the 6 percent increase are impressive. During his last Board of Supervisors meeting before retiring, Chesterfield County Administrator J.L. “Jay” Stegmaier highlighted the record breaking growth in employment and business establishments in Chesterfield during last year. Mr. Stegmaier reported on the release of data by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ranking Chesterfield as the county with the fourth-fastest growth in employment in the country during this time period. During the 2014-2015 period,…
Zoning Case Near Walmart up for Discussion
0A second neighborhood meeting has been scheduled on July 13 at 6:00 p.m. at the Central Library located at 9501 Lori Road to discuss as zoning case that would change its current Office use to Neighborhood Business. The applicant will be mailing adjacent land owners and interested parties from the previous meeting and public hearing to inform them about this meeting as well. The request is being made to allow Ironbridge Road Properties LLC to rezone 0.7 acres located at the southeast corner of Iron Bridge Road and West Booker Boulevard from Corporate Office (O-2) to Neighborhood Business (C-2) plus conditional use planned development…
Remember When: Moore’s Lake Turnstile
0The popular swimming hole right off U.S. Route One between Richmond and Petersburg, was the most refreshing refuge from humidity and sweltering dog days west of Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. It was a mecca for locals seeking a few hours of blessed relief and a major vacation destination for tourists from throughout the state. Folks were drawn by its enormous sand beach, water slides, the high diving board where giggling girls congregated to watch the boys show off, and the adjacent dance hall that filled the evening air with Big Band melodies. Everyone entering the bath house received…
Weekly Calendar
0JULY 6 CHESTER CHOICES BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP – 10:30 a.m. until Noon. “Mercy Snow” by Tiffany Baker will be discussed. No registration required. CHESTERFIELD FARMERS MARKET – 3 p.m. until 6 p.m. Chesterfield County Complex JULY 8 THE EMBERS FEATURING CRAIG WOOLARD IN CONCERT – 7 p.m. until 10 p.m. Pocahontas State Park Amphitheater, 10301 State Park Rd. Gates open at 6 p.m. Bring a good pair of dancing shoes and a chair. Concessions available. Free admission, vehicle charge for parking. Details: 748-1992 or [email protected] BLUEGRASS JAM SESSION – 7 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. Brighter Living Assisted Living in partnership…
OBITUARY: Charles F. Brock
0The greatest story teller of our life time, Charlie Brock, has gone to be with the Lord. Born in Highland County, Va. near the Blue ridge mountains, Charlie had a larger than life personality that will be missed by all his friends and family. Always a world changer since birth, he joined the Navy at 18 years old, married Doris McLaughlin and began to raise three sons, Tom, Jim, and Tim. After four years in the U.S. Navy he joined the Virginia State Police where he protected and served the citizens of Virginia. All the while raising his boys to…
Don’t Rest; Your Garden Still Needs TLC
0Hello, everyone, and happy belated Independence Day. July 4 is the mid-point of gardening season, too, as gardeners typically enjoy their hobby from April through October. By now, the early blooming plants are spent and the mid-season blooming plants are thriving. Half-way does not mean cruising to the finish line. Now is the time to give your landscape the mid-season jolt that can provide benefit for many weeks to come. Summer annuals require a little TLC at this time so they continue to produce the blooms which make them so attractive. Remove spent blooms and cut back weak stems. Fertilize…
Youth Services Citizen Board Continues to Seek Adult Volunteers
0The Chesterfield County Department of Youth Planning and Development is seeking adults to serve on the Youth Services Citizen Board for the 2016-17 year. The board is composed of two adults from each magisterial district. Board members attend monthly meetings and help plan programs throughout the year. They serve a three-year term and can reapply for a second term. The board calendar year runs from Sept. 2016 through June 2017. The following positions are available: Bermuda District, two adults; Clover Hill District, one adult; Matoaca District, two adults; andMidlothian District, two adults. To download an application, visit Mail completed…
Nature Backpack Program
0Chesterfield County Public Library has received several nature backpacks for each of its 10 libraries. The backpacks are part of a partnership with the Library of Virginia, Virginia State Parks, and the Science Museum of Virginia. They include a free parking pass to any of the Virginia State Parks and are stocked with tools for customers to use to better explore and learn about nature. Available during library hours at all library locations. For more information call 751-CCPL or visit