Soccer Athletes of the Year
0Girls Even as a sophomore, Maiya Pencile dominated the competition. The Matoaca striker tallied 30 goals and 14 assists this past season, earning Conference 12 player-of-the-year honors, and being named to first team all 5A South Region. More importantly, her team made regionals for the first time since 2011. Pencile’s scoring instinct has led her to two very prolific seasons to start off her high school career. Last season she broke the school record with 32 goals, and she followed that up with 30 more goals this year. Maiya is a clinical finisher, whose skill and finesse push the team…
Libraries Feeding Minds and Bodies
0The Chesterfield County Public Library will offer a free summer meals program for children 18 years old and younger. The lunch program is scheduled June 20-July 27, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., at three of the county’s libraries. The USDA; funded program involves a partnership with Childcare Resources, a national agency with local headquarters that provides food, resources and education. The program is open to all children, and no enrollment is necessary. This is the second year that Chesterfield County Public library has participated in the program. Both Chester and Meadowdale Libraries participated last year. For more information visit or call…
Father’s Day and Racing
0Hello and welcome back to the wonderful world of the Dogpound. Before I forget, happy Father’s Day to all of you wonderful dads, who in my opinion, really do not get the credit they deserve. You work hard every day; day in and day out to support your family without complaining. The pack tips its hat to you. And a tip of hat to me for getting this column out ahead of the actual holiday. [Yee-aw!] Anyway, I had the opportunity to attend the 100th running of the Indy 500; it was sold out with easily over 300,000 in attendance.…
Little Libraries
0A family’s lack of financial resources can result in an absence of supervision and an ability to help their children excel in school. Low income equals low test scores. It is not only income that matters; it could be any number of things. But all students need to stay connected to learning during summer vacation while not losing interest or connection to reading specifically. Maryann Mraz, teacher and writer for PBS, wrote, “I know my students covered important reading skills last school year, but I still need to spend so much time reviewing those same skills at the start of…
8,500 Diapers Collected for Families First
0Chesterfield-Colonial Heights Families First, a program of Chesterfield County’s Department of Mental Health Support Services, collected 8,500 diapers to give to enrolled families in need this year. A March diaper drive at county libraries done with the help of local agencies and businesses, provided diapers to families enrolled in Families First this year. Fifteen enrolled mothers were given a week’s supply of diapers at the Families First Mother’s Day event, and other families will receive diapers throughout the year. To show their appreciation, mothers wrote thank you notes that are on display at Central Library. “It was amazing to see…
Village News at Fenway Park
0Andy Weaver and Debra Pizzullo visited Boston May 19 – 24 and remembered to take the Village News with them for a picture at Fenway Park. Andy played first base for Thomas Dale High School until he graduated in 1974. He’s also umpired high school and college baseball for 30-plus years, so going to Fenway Park and Wrigley Field were two of the items high on his bucket list. Traveling this summer? Don’t forget to take your Village News and snap a picture at your favorite vacation spot! Send it to [email protected]
Helping your lawn survive a wet spring
0It is not often that gardeners deal with as much rain as we have this spring. May was a record month for rain in our area, the most since 1889. No one can control the rain, but there are things we can do to ensure our landscape survives the saturation. Do not mow your grass when the soil is saturated. Before you mow, walk across your lawn. If you hear your soggy footsteps, it is best to wait. Mowing soggy ground will likely leave ruts in the turf and can even rip the grass from the surface. Mowing when there…
Historical Society offers Merit Badge Workshops in June
0The Chesterfield Historical Society of Virginia (CHSV), in partnership with the Chesterfield County Department of Parks and Recreation, presents merit badge workshops for Boy Scouts in June. The Boy Scout “American Heritage” Merit Badge Workshop will be held on Saturday, June 11, from 10 a.m. until noon at the Historic Trinity Church, 10111 Iron Bridge Rd., Chesterfield. This workshop fulfills merit badge requirements concerning history and cultural heritage. The price of admission is $10; and registration is through the CHSV website at There are prerequisites for this workshop. Call 751-4946 for details. The “Citizenship in the Nation” merit badge…