Weekly Calendar
0APRIL 13 SAFETY IN THE GARDEN: How not to Hurt Yourself – 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Central Library. Now that spring is finally here and you are working in your gardens, learn some tips that will help keep you safe from one of Chesterfield County’s Master Gardeners. Space is limited, Register online at http://goo.gl/forms/OErm5gkGu1, call the Extension Office at 751-4401 or email [email protected]. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING – 12 p.m. until 3 p.m. Public Meeting Room, 10001 Iron Bridge Rd. CHESTERFIELD COUNTY SCHOOLS FOOD FAIR – 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Tickets and registration at foodfair.eventbrite.com APRIL 14 KINDGERGARTEN…
Stink bug research could bear fruit in a few years
0Have stink bugs invaded your garden, backyard and house? Chesterfield produce did not birth these pesky little insects. About five years ago the brown marmorated stink bug migrated into Northern Virginia and began damaging the apple crop and other produce. Now the little vermin has migrated south causing problems right here in Chesterfield. New research is under way at Virginia Tech and a U.S. Department of Agriculture research center in Maryland to lure away the invasive pest by imitating the chemical pheromone it generates when eating. “Adult stink bugs spend the winter under stones or boards, under ground cover or…
0Sharon Gwen Juozapavicius, 64, of Dinwiddie, beloved mother, wife, sister, friend and grandma to too many pets to count, departed this life March 31, to be with the Lord. She was born Sharon Vojir on Nov. 3, 1951, in Naperville, IL.,to the late Bernadine and Vernon Vojir. She attended Naperville Central High School and then the University of Iowa, where she graduated with a degree in journalism, advertising and public relations. She earned her master’s degree in leadership development from DePaul University and was pursuing her doctorate degree in business administration. A retiree from Amoco/British Petroleum, where she held numerous…
0Tremors are a very common physical finding. They mainly affect the hands, but can also be seen in the head, arms, legs, and the voice. Most people will notice their hands tremble a little from time to time and this is normal. The problem comes when tremors are persistent and/or interfere with normal activities. A tremor is a shaking of a body part that cannot be controlled by the individual suffering from the tremor. Since nerves control the body’s movements, the cause of tremors can be due to changes either in the brain, where the nerve fibers begin, or in…
Sticky out, fragrance in
0Of the many gems we have in the Richmond Metro area, Maymont may be the crown jewel. Maymont is a 100 acre Victorian era estate that was gifted from James and Sallie Dooley to the city of Richmond upon Sally’s death in 1925. Maymont is ranked in the top 25 public gardens in North America. It has 12 distinct gardens, some of which are Dooley originals. I had the pleasure of spending part of an afternoon recently at Maymont speaking with Peggy Singlemann, Director of Horticulture, as well as the host of WCVE’s Virginia Home Grown. Peggy is passionate about…
Camp Baker receives donation
0Rob Hankins, right, president of Beach Community Grange presented Robert Steele, director at Camp Baker, with two checks totaling $2200 from the Beach Community Grange No. 958. The money was raised at a recent Longaberger Basket Bingo held to benefit Camp Baker by the Grange. Greater Richmond ARC’s Camp Baker is a full-service, handicap-equipped retreat located on 22 wooded acres on Beach Road near Chesterfield Courthouse. Camp Baker has been serving individuals with special needs since 1929 when it was a respite for undernourished children known as W.W. Baker Summer Camp. In 1957, ownership was transferred to Chesterfield County under…
Police Blotter
0ALCOTT RD (25xx block) 04/01/2016 6:30 a.m. – Entry into unknown window. Firearms stolen. ASHWOOD RD (95xx block) 03/26/2016 4:00 p.m. – Bicycles stolen from residence. AYTON CT (46xx block) 04/05/2016 9:45 p.m. – Injury-Accidental – Overdose BLUE HERON LP (133xx block) 04/02/2016 7:00 p.m. – Injury-Accidental – Other BURNT OAK CR (50xx block) 04/03/2016 11:00 p.m. – Attempted Larceny-From Motor Vehicles CHAMPION CT (22xx block) 03/31/2016 5:00 p.m. – Miscellaneous property stolen from residence. CHESSWOOD DR (53xx block) 04/04/2016 6:00 p.m. – Vandalism-Residential COBBS AVE (16xx block) 04/01/2016 9:15 p.m. – Consumable goods stolen from residence. COURTHOUSE RD (84xx…
Crime of the Week
0April 21st, the day of The 2016 Crime Solvers Golf Tournament is fast approaching. Crime Solvers is proud to take this opportunity to sincerely thank our amazing sponsors and invite the community to check them out on our website, crimesolvers.net. We would especially like to thank our platinum sponsor, Pearson Signature Dealerships, for their generosity and support today and into the future! If you or your business can help support the 2016 Crime Solvers Golf Tournament, sponsorship spots are still available at every level. Be sure to enquire about our $100 Hole Sponsorship which earns an 11×17 full color sign…