War on Vultures Wages On
0A war between Chesterfield residents and a large black bird that weighs between four to five pounds with a wingspan of five feet has been ongoing since 1999. Mainly, users of the Dutch Gap Boat Landing have seen black vultures overrun the area and wreak havoc on their vehicles. In their most recent attempt to disperse the vultures, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Virginia Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF) officials have hung dead vulture carcasses from light poles around the Dutch Gap Boat Landing. Some say it has been effective but others disagree. Officials’ hands are tied on the…
Bill Passage Paves the Way for Production and Distribution of Marijuana Oils
0Virginia’s lawmakers passed a bill which will allow for the eventual production and distribution of low THC marijuana oils in the Commonwealth. After lengthy discussions and negotiations in both houses, SB701, Cannabidiol oil and THC-A oil; permitting of pharmaceutical processors to manufacture and provide, passed the House of Delegates unanimously on Monday. The bill returned to the Senate Tuesday with amendments and passed with a vote of 39-0. The bill now goes to the Governor’s desk for his signature. “Providing this medication to Virginians is absolutely the right thing to do,” said Senator Dave Marsden, the sponsor of the legislation.“THCa and CBD oils have…
Americana Site Back on Development Track
1It has been almost eight years since American Mobile Home Park, on Jefferson Davis Highway, was closed to make way for a large retail and multi-family development. The massive project could be returning. Before the project started in 2008, the primary property owner, Trollingwood Land LLC, died as the economy went south and money dried up. Now the project is back. Moore’s Lake Apartments, LLC is in the site-plan stage, which is the last step before a building permit and the residential portion will be the first to be built. Three buildings are proposed for the rear of the property…
A Shakespearean Evening at Henricus Historical Park
0In partnership with Richmond’s Quill Theater, Henricus Historical Park will host Shakespeare at Henricus on the evening of Saturday, April 16. Commemorating the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) will be held at the outdoor site of the Citie of Henricus. After the theatre, guests will be treated to a period dinner, followed by music and dancing inside the Colonial buildings. Tickets are $75. Space is limited and reservations are required, call (804) 748-1131 by April 6 to reserve a spot today. For more information, please visit Henricus.org.
German POWs in Your Backyard
0Toward the end of World War II, captured German soldiers were housed behind what is now DSCR. Unlike the treatment that American POWs got in Germany, POWs held here were treated fairly. According to DSCR history, “In 1943, a 2,000 capacity prisoner of war camp was built on a 50-acre parcel adjacent to the depot. German POWs built the camp which held 1,200 German prisoners, with 130 military policemen guarding the camp.” Prisoners worked outside the camp but were paid for their work, though they received scrip that could be used only at the camp canteen. Quite a few POWs…
Weekly Calendar
0MARCH 16 AMERICAN RED CROSS WEB OF HOPE KNIT/CROCHET CLASSES – 10 a.m. Chester Baptist Church, 4317 School St. Details: Vee Hancock, 804-276-2891. ANCESTRY.COM – Get Started at CCPL – 10:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. – Central Library. Learn how to trace your family tree using U. S. Census records, city directories and records from military service, marriages, births and deaths. Register online at library.chesterfield.gov HELP CHILDREN DEVELOP HEALTHIER LIFESTYLE – 9:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. This program, CATCH Healthy Habits, pairs teams of adults, ages 50-plus, with kids in grades K-5. Classes meet once a week for 8-weeks starting…
Village News at Disney
0Sandra Bungarden went to Orlando, Florida to visit her son, Will Bungarden. He is a 2010 graduate of Thomas Dale High and 2014 of JMU. He works for Disney in Public Relations and was happy to see a familiar Village News issue.
Chester’s New Front Door Challenge
0To the Editor: There once was a flea who lived in a jar. The jar had a lid on it. Every day the flea would jump and he would hit his poor little head on the lid. One day the lid was removed and as the story goes, the flea only jumped to where the lid used to be. The flea’s habits never changed and it never left the jar even though its constraints were removed. Chester has a new front door. State Route 10 or West Hundred Road used to be a barrier for people who wanted to walk…